X - 8 : T E X T U R A L . A B S T R A C T S

Hair, 1984
Hair Painting, 1984

w o r k s
  • Mudworks With Urban Elements
  • Hair Paintings
  • Blood Paintings
  • Tar Paintings

Mudworks with Urban Elements

In 1983, tinted mud on canvas became melded with broken beer bottles, weeds, and shattered windshield glass that was gathered around Downtown Los Angeles.

Hair Paintings

In 1984, human hair was collected and attached to canvas. These works utilized glitter, broken window panes and other materials.

Blood Paintings

Cow and pig's blood was acquired from Grand Central Market (image shown) in Downtown Los Angeles, blended with acrylic gel and applied to canvas.

Tar Paintings

In 1986, black tar was applied onto large canvases and embedded with bullets or feathers.

Several tar and bullet paintings were created. Some galleries were reluctant to show these pieces due to the 'live' quality of the .38 caliber bullets and felt it posed a safety hazard, however one of these works was displayed in Al's Bar from 1986 to 1988.