Jack Wattleys Artificial Rearing Method
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Jack Wattleys Artificial Rearing Method

Spawning Site

In All probability your Discus will be spawning on Bricks, Cones, Slates, PVC pipes ot Plants in the Aquarium. In our hatchery the discus would normally deposit the eggs on the overflow outlet drains, which are cemented into the bottom of the tanks. In order to remove the eggs we first had to place a removable PVC sleeve over the outlet drain. These ten-inch sleeves can easily be removed after the spawning act and placed in the hatching containers. Some sleeves stand straight up, others are on an angle, depending on where the eggs have been laid. In some cases the female may deposit her eggs on the case, all may not be lost. With a new single edged Razor blade the eggs can be carefully "shaved" off the glass container with a solution of methylene blue 1%. A new single edged Razor Blade will be covered with a light protective coat of oil, which must be removed prior to using. Hot water and careful wiping will ready the blade for use.
If you observe the spawning, which generally takes place in the late afternoon, it is important to ensure that the male fish has completed his fertilizing "runs" on the spawning receptacle. The complete spawning act usually takes no longer than an hour, although some spawns are completed in as little as fifteen minutes. In the process of moving the receptacle from the aquarium to the hatching container the eggs will be exposed to the ambient air temperature of the room.(In our hatchery all aquarium water is kept at the same temperature as the room, with the exception of the pans that we use for the newly-hatched discus fry) It is not necessary to worry about the eggs being out of the water during the transfer. Air exposure for ten to fifteen seconds will not hurt the eggs a bit. Recently we had a case where we were convinced that a spawn removed from the hatching container was not viable. The eggs were out of the water for atleast one minute while they were examined under a magnifying glass. It was easier to place PVC spawning receptacle with the eggs into a hatching container than to walk to the sink in another part of the hatchery to dispose of the spawn, so we did so, and the eggs hatched out in a very satisfactory manner.

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