I amAbiy Tefera, proudly to say from the beautiful country, Ethiopia. I came to the US in mid 1990's. I graduated from Prospect High in San Jose,CA. I met some very interesting friends
:-Amanuel(manny),Dannie, Rahel(Nebes), Chuni, Nini, Geni, Makeda, Pellie(Nebesu), Mike, Mustofa,(Ebed)( from Asia)Hasen, Zake, Sadeya, Hebo( From Somalia )Nick(killa), Emanuel, Abu(From Nigeria, Sutanu Indian)Luis from (LATTC)...Now I'm a grad student in Santa Cruz, CA--->UC Santa Cruz,where i did my bachelors degree in Mathematics any Banana Slugs reading--GO SLUGS!!! Well I should say something about my coolest friends in LA, "The Abbas":-) Tattie, Teddy, Abush, Johnny & Emeka and of course my boo,Makky. Ya'll are more than a friend 2 me. Johnny & Teddy, ya're always there when I need you and thanks for bein' such a friend. Abbas, u have made my staying in LA the best, especially when we go out to those Crazzzy Clubs:- Century Club, Jammiacan Gold, Vertigo, Martiny Lounge... and my hookups @ 360, The GoodBar & Gardina....! dammmn, no one did it like us! ya'll don't forget that.