"A.B.I.A-F. is a newsgroup created for the expressed purpose of sharing collectible high-quality binary images, of the subject matter indicated, among individuals. It specifically is NOT a forum for commercial enterprises to advertise their sites, services or products (a.k.a. spamming). Anyone who is judged to have spammed the group will cause detailed complaints (with full NNTP headers) to be sent to their ISP from the group users. No warning will be given. Uncooperative ISP's will have their upstream ISP's complained to, again by multiple users knowledgeable in NNTP protocol. Some group users have been known to organize more debilitating actions against spammers and their Web sites."
Read the FAQ.
You have been warned !
Comments from News Groups GURUS
The only thing I have found on the Internet that I could honestly say I hate is Usenet SPAM!! (My definition may be little different than what yours may be.) Commercial advertisers have taken over the public domain we call "Usenet" I, and others who make up the newsgroup, feel that enough is enough. If they have certain rights to aggravate us, then I think we have rights to aggravate back. Anyone remember when there wasn't SPAM? If you can answer "yes" to that, then you understand this:"Usenet was here long before SPAM and no one liked the invasion." It's real easy for you to be a newcomer to the group and think we are just shitting on these poor advertisers, but indeed the reverse is true. Ignoring it leads to the decay of Usenet and eventually it's demise. I had the idea for this group, after seeing tons of others go to Hell. Fortunately, others felt the same and boosted the creation process. We've tried it the civilized way, we attempted to reach their "inner child" and reason with them and nothing you could suggest has worked. 0-Tolerance is the only way to even put a dent in SPAM and will be practiced here to the fullest. In short, no one will win the war if we don't band together. They will force us from group to new group until Usenet is a wasteland of empty groups.(Except for SPAM of course, the cockroach of Usenet.)