The FAQ is organized by Subject (as you can see by the Sidebar on the left), designated by Arabic numerals divides the FAQ into main sections (Top left of each frame shows what section you are in). Individual questions are numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals within each section..
What kinds of questions are covered in the FAQ?
We have tried to limit the FAQ to questions which are either specific to ABIA-F, or (if non-specific) for which it would be difficult to find all relevant information in one place. Other questions are not covered here, although we sometimes try to give tips about useful Web sites.
How often will the FAQ be posted and updated?
It will be re-posted once per week. Updates will not occur on a regular basis, but rather as the need arises.
The Html format is a pain in the ass.
Note that the plain text format is over 25 pages long. I will be looking into creating a smaller version, but there is so much great information in it that I really don't know what to cut out. Care to help? E-mail me.
I can't find *my* question in the FAQ!
If you have a question which is not answered here, please submit it to The Author Of The FAQ.(see Section 5, # 8).
Your answers to some questions seem to be incorrect or incomplete.
We certainly do not believe ourselves to be infallible. We have done everything in our power to ensure that the FAQ is correct in every detail, but things may change with time and we may have gotten the odd thing wrong. If you have better information on a topic than the FAQ provides, please be kind enough to share your knowledge with the rest of us. Comments, corrections and additions are always very welcome ! (see Section 5, # 8).
I am not a Macintosh / Unix / OS/2 / Amiga user, and I can't find any information for my platform.
In matters pertaining to software, this FAQ is heavily biased towards the Intel/Windows platform. That is not because other operating systems are less useful; it only reflects the fact that no Mac or UNIX or OS/2 or Amiga user has contributed any information. If you use a non-Wintel platform and want to contribute, your information will be extremely welcome.
How can I submit questions, answers and comments to the FAQ?
Post in ABIA-F. With the word FAQ (capital letters, please) in the subject line. If you are submitting comments, corrections or additions to existing questions please refer to them by section and number in the body of your article. The Author Of The FAQ will read all posts which have "FAQ" in their subject line, but may not always respond immediately. Sometimes you won't see the result until a new FAQ update is issued.