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MISS MILLER (the crazy but kind neighbor)

Miss Miller is the strange, eccentric, but nice, old lady who lives next door to the Chipmunks. She also happens to have a crush on Dave!

Eventually, the school where the Chipmunks and Chipettes attend, discover that the Chipettes live on their own: (Originally the Chipettes lived in a big, cool tree house by themselves, after they escaped from a rotten orphanage in Australia). The Chipettes are then forced to choose between being placed in foster care, and possible separation, or finding someone to move in with. Originally they try moving in with the Chipmunks, but that REALLY doesn't work out. Eventually, Alvin comes up with the idea of Miss Miller, who eventually, (after much coaxing), agrees. Originally she only agrees because she feels sorry for them and because, originally, it was only going to be for a short while. Later on, however, they all form a bond and she begins to think of them as her daughters. Because of this, she ultimately decides to offer to let them stay there indefinitely, which they happily accept.