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Alvin and the chipmunks
By: Angela Jewell
(written when I was like, 12, lol)

Alvin Skyhopper---------------Alvin
Princess Brittany-------------- Brittany
The Dorky Invader----------- The Villain
X-29---------------------------- Theodore
Simon--------------------------- Simon

    Princess Brittany is running down a dark hall, trying to escape off the ship she is being held captive on. As she is turning into a hallway she runs into one of the Dorky Invaders men.

Brittany:    (gasps) Oh, no!

    Alvin Skyhopper, X-29, and Simon are on a deserted planet. Alvin Skyhopper is resting under the shade of a nearby tree, while X-29 stands nearby eating an apple, watching Simon fix their space cruiser.

Simon:  That should do it. (he slams down the hood of the space cruiser)

X-29:   Simon where are we?

Simon: I believe we are on the distant planet, Eferon. Wake up Alvin Skyhopper and inform him that the space cruiser is fixed and ready to go.

    X-29 cautiously walks over to where Alvin Skyhopper is sleeping, then slowly begins to shake him.

Alvin: (half asleep) What?

X-29:   The space cruiser is fixed... it's ready to go whenever you are...

Alvin:  Alright.

He then falls back asleep. A few seconds later he is quickly awakened when a bright light explodes in the sky and a king's face is shown. Alvin and Simon look at the face with surprise--X-29 observes the face with fear, and hides behind Simon. Then the face begins to speak.

King: Alvin Skyhopper, I am in desperate need of your help. My daughter, Princess Brittany, has been kidnapped by The Dorky Invader, the Captain of the Trash Star. He's trying to force her to marry him so that he can take over my kingdom. Only you have the power to save my daughter and my kingdom.

Alvin: The Trash star! Trying to get on that ship would be a suicide mission! Why should I risk my life to save some princess?

King:   If you rescue my daughter I'll reward you with 100,000 dollars!

Alvin:  100,000 dollars? (he jumps up from where he was laying) Don't worry, your daughter is as good as found.

King: Thank you Alvin Skyhopper, you won't regret it. (his face slowly begins to vanish until it is gone.)

Alvin: (says to himself) Of course I won't regret it! I'll be rich!

X-29:   But Alvin, no one has ever gotten onto the Trash Star and lived to tell about it! It's way to d--dangerous. It's s--safer if we just stay right h-- here.

Simon:  X-29 is right, there is no way that we can possibly get onto the Trash Star without getting caught!

Alvin:  Oh, come on you guys! Where's your sense of adventure? This is a chance to become heroes! famous! We'll be rich, we'll be---

Simon:  Dead.

           Alvin Skyhopper gives Simon a dirty look.

Alvin:  Well, luckily, as your captain, the final decision comes down to me. And as the captain, I say we are going. Now all we have to do is figure out a way to get onto that ship.
Alvin, Simon, and X-29 are flying through space thinking of ways to get onto the Trashy Star.

Alvin: That would never work! (throws his arms up in the air in frustration) They would see us coming a mile away!

X-29:   I have an idea! We can say they won a free order of space burgers! Nobody can pass up an opportunity for free food! (laughs) I'll go get the burgers now! (as X-29 gets up to go Alvin and Simon push him back into his seat.)

Simon: Don't you ever think of anything besides food?

X-29:   (Pouting) Of course! It's--it's just that I'm hungry that's all.

Alvin:  Be quiet you two! I have to think. (after a short pause) I've got it! (he whispers the idea to Simon and X-29)

X-29:   (voice quivering) There's the Trash Star!

Alvin:  Well, I guess we're going with my plan.

Simon:  Swell.

Alvin:  Quick. Everyone hide!

They all run into a secret door hidden beneath the floor of the ship.
The Trash Star detects a ship, and Alvin's space cruiser begins to be pulled into it's beam. When the ship is on board The Dorky Invaders men begin boarding the ship and searching it.

Guard 1:  (tells another guard who is also searching the ship.) There doesn't seem to be anyone aboard.

Guard 2:  (Nods) Let's report back to The Dorky Invader.

The guards searching the ship all begin to file out. Alvin Skyhopper, X-29, and Simon all sigh with relief when everyone exits the ship.

Simon: Now, what do we do, oh great leader?

Alvin:  That's easy: we wait until dark to search for the princess.

Simon:  What an ingenious plan.

Alvin:  (laughs) Of course it is! That's why I'm the captain.
Princess Brittany paces in her small cell. Suddenly the door opens and The Dorky Invader walks in followed by two of his guards.

D I: Well, have you changed your mind yet?

Brittany:    No, and I don't intend to so you might as well let me go. (she begins to walk towards the door but is stopped by the guards.)

D I:     Sorry, but you're not going anywhere. Just say yes to marrying me and we can rule Serray together.

Brittany:   How many times do I have to tell you no before it sinks into that thick helmet?

D I:     (Furious) You will stay in this cell until you change your mind. (he storms out of the room slamming the door behind him.)

Princess Brittany runs against the door pounding on it. Then walks sadly back to her small bed and begins to cry softly.
Alvin Skyhopper, X-29, and Simon open the trap door and slowly begin to make their way off of the ship.

Alvin: How many guards are out there?  (he begins to draw his light saber.) Simon uses his special radar glasses to detect movement outside the ship.

Simon:  Seven.

Alvin:  Seven! That's all?  Come on, give me a challenge!

Simon: (sarcastically to X-29) Only seven? This job keeps getting easier and easier...

           Alvin steps down from the ship and spots two guards standing to his left.  He quietly steps behind them, then, as they begin to turn around, he hits them over the heads with his saber.  Then he drags them onto the ship. Alvin walks off the ship wearing the guard's uniform, with Simon and X-29 following close behind, then he motions for the others to follow him.

Alvin: Now all we have to do is find the princess.
Alvin Skyhopper, X-29, and Simon make their way down a dark hallway where the prisoners are kept.

Alvin:  (signals to X-29 and Simon) You two take the left, I'll take the right.

The three begin to look through the small panels that are on every door.

X-29:   Hey, guys I-I think I found her.

Alvin Skyhopper, and Simon all run to the door that X-29 is pointing to.

Alvin:  Are you sure it's her?

X-29:   I think, look for yourself. (he points towards the small sliding panel.)

Alvin:  (He looks into the panel and sees the princess sleeping on the small bed in the corner) Wow! She's beautiful! (embarrassed) Um, I mean this is definitely her.

Simon and X-29 look at each other and roll their eyes.

Alvin: Come on, let's go. (he tries opening the door.) It won't budge.

Simon then tries to pull the door but can't.

Simon:  (says to Alvin)  The door's locked.

Alvin:  No problem, I always come prepared. (he takes out a small needle from his pocket and begins to pick the lock.)

The door opens, and they make their way into the dark cell. Alvin walks up to the bed and rudely begins to shake Princess Brittany.  Brittany wakes up and screams. She pushes him away from her hard, causing him to fall to the ground. Alvin gives a small groan as he hits the hard cell floor.

Alvin:  (angrily) Hey, what was that for?

Brittany runs towards the open door, but is stopped by Simon and X-29.

Brittany:  (screams as she tries to push Simon out of her way.) Get out of my way you piece of junk!

Alvin:  Calm down! (he grabs her waist and pulls her away from Simon.) Your father sent us here to rescue you.

Brittany:   My father? How do I know you're telling the truth? You could have been sent by the Dorky Invader.

Alvin:  (annoyed) Listen, I'd love to sit here and argue with you, but we have to get going. They should be realizing any minute that two of the guards are missing. (he grabs Brittany's wrist and pulls her out of the room.)

Brittany:   I'm not going anywhere with you! (she snatches her hand away)

Alvin:  Fine! Find your own way out! Come on, guys. We better get going. (he storms out of the room angrily and then turns back towards X-29 and Simon when he finally steps out the door.) She's impossible! (he sighs) You two get back to the ship-I'll make sure the princess does too. (mumbles) I doubt she'll be able to get out the door by herself without getting caught.

Simon:  (whispers to X-29) Now, who does that remind you of?

X-29:   (laughs)

Alvin hears and glares at Simon.

Alvin:  Get going, we'll meet you on the ship as soon as we can.

Simon and X-29 make their way back to the ship, While Alvin makes his way back to Princess Brittany's room. 

Brittany:   What are you doing back here?

Alvin:  Listen, I don't have time to argue with you. I promised your father I would bring you back safely, and that's exactly what I'm going to do! Now, come on! (he grabs her arm and drags her out of her cell.)

Brittany:   Let go of me, I'm quite capable of walking on my own.

Alvin releases her arm. Just then a loud siren starts ringing through the halls and a loud voice is heard over an intercom.

Voice:  Red alert, Red alert, The princess has escaped. I repeat the princess has escaped.

Alvin:  Come on, this way.

Brittany:   No, this way.

Alvin:  (Yelling) It's this way! I'm the one planning this escape.

Brittany:   Fine! Get us lost! (she reluctantly follows Alvin.)

    Alvin and Princess Brittany make their way down a hall and come to a bridge. The Dorky Invaders men are closing in on them from behind.

Brittany:   I told you we should have gone the other way! This bridge looks like it's about to break!  There's no way I'm crossing that thing.

Alvin:  (laughing) Like you have a choice?

Brittany:   (laughing nervously) Lead the way.

Alvin:   All right, step exactly where I step.

Brittany:    All right.

Alvin and Brittany carefully begin to make their way across the bridge, glancing back to see if the Dorky Invaders men are closing in on them. When Alvin reaches the other side of the bridge, one of the guards shoots his gun at him, misses and breaks one of the ropes that hold the bridge up. Before Brittany can make it to the end of the bridge she screams as she begins to fall, but before she does, Alvin grabs her hand and pulls her up to safety. All the men that followed them onto the bridge fall into a black pit.

Brittany:    Thanks.

Alvin:   Don't mention it.

  Alvin and Brittany walk down another hall and come to a dead end. Alvin leans against the wall in frustration. Suddenly it opens revealing a secret room. They cautiously step inside and the door slams shut behind them. Then they stand facing The Dorky Invader. Alvin grabs his saber, and pushes Brittany protectively behind him.

D I:      (to Alvin) Welcome to my humble abode, Come in and make yourself at home. I've heard so much about you!

Alvin:   Sorry, but we're just passing through. (he turns around to leave)

D I:      (He draws his saber) Sorry, but I can't let you leave, you see, you have something that belongs to me. (he nods towards Brittany)

Brittany:    (rolls her eyes)

Alvin:   Aren't you a little too old for her?

D I:      Age is in the eye of the beholder.

Alvin:   Well my eyes are telling me you must be about....

With that The Dorky Invader rushes towards Alvin, swinging his saber at him. The two then get into a sword fight.

:      You're better then I thought.

Alvin:   That's funny, I thought you'd be better.

The Dorky Invader forces Alvin out onto a narrow beam.

D I:      (Laughs) Before I kill you there is one thing you should know.

Alvin:  Unless your going to tell me you forfeit I'm not interested.

D I:     Oh, but I assure you this is important. Alvin Skyhopper, I am your father.

Alvin:  (Laughing) You think you're my father? You're crazier than I thought!

Alvin lunges towards The Dorky Invader with his saber, and then flips over him, forcing the Dorky Invader onto the beam.

Alvin:  You know, there's something I've always wanted to say to you, but never had the chance.

D I:     Unless you're going to tell me you forfeit I'm not interested.

Alvin:  (laughing) I'm not forfeiting! I just wanted to say that that's the ugliest helmet I've ever seen!

Alvin lunges towards The Dorky Invader causing him to lose his balance and fall off of the beam.

Alvin:  Come on, we have to get back to the ship the others are waiting for us. (He puts away his saber and they begin to make their way to the ship.)
Alvin and Brittany sneak aboard the ship, careful not to be seen by any of the guards. Inside X-29, and Simon, are waiting.

X-29:    What took you two so long?

Alvin:   We had some unfinished business to take care of. Is the ship ready?

Simon:   Yes, I fixed the minor problems that the ship sustained when it was brought onboard the Trash Star.

Alvin:   All right then, lets go. Next stop, Planet Serray.

Alvin starts up the ship and before any of the guards realize what is happening their ship blasts off into the darkness of space.
Alvin: (Alvin hands the controls over to Simon.) I'm going to take a break, keep to the set course, and don't try any of your short cuts.

Alvin heads towards the back of the ship, where Princess Brittany is. He pulls out a box and sits down beside her.

Alvin:   What's wrong? You look sad.

Brittany:    I do? I was just thinking that's all.

Alvin:   Are you excited to be going home?

Brittany:    Yes, of course!

Alvin:   (Nods) So what's it like being royalty. I mean, I always thought you people were ugly, stuck up, worthless, (says with a laugh) and not to mention conceited.

Brittany:    (shocked) Of all the chauvinistic, pig headed things to say! I don't know why I'm listening to you. I don't care what you think of us anyway!

Alvin:   What! That's what I USE to think, I don't think that anymore!

Brittany:    Oh. Well, what do you think now?

Alvin:   (begins to get up) I thought you didn't care what I think?

Brittany:    (Crosses her arms and turns away from him) I don't.

Alvin:   Good. I have to get back to the head of the ship anyway.

Brittany:    Fine, go ahead, go.

Alvin shrugs his shoulder and makes his way back to the front of the ship.  

Alvin:   (mutters under his breath, shaking his head) Women!
Alvin's ship lands on Serray. Brittany's father is waiting for the princess. Everyone starts piling out of the ship. Brittany emerges and runs to her father.

Brittany:    Father! (She runs and hugs him)

King:    Brittany! My daughter! Thank you so much Alvin Skyhopper, for bringing her home safely.

Alvin:   It was my pleasure Your Highness.

King:    Now, I believe you are entitled to a reward! Here you are, 100,000 dollars, just as we discussed. (He hands the money to Alvin Skyhopper)

Alvin:   Thank you your majesty. 

King:    I insist that you all stay for the celebration!

Alvin:   We are honored Your Highness, but my crew and I must be heading back. We have some unfinished business that we must take care of.

King:    That's too bad, you'll be missing quite a celebration. (laughs) no matter, if you are ever in Serray again, you are welcome to stay in my kingdom!

Alvin:   Thank you your majesty. I will remember that. (They all bow in front of the king, and begin to turn around and leave)

Brittany whispers something into her father's ear and he nods. She then begins to walk towards Alvin's ship. X-29, Simon and Alvin see Princess Brittany approaching.

Alvin:   I'll be there in a minute you guys.

Simon and X-29 board the ship laughing.

Brittany:  Why didn't you tell me my father was paying you to rescue me?

Alvin:  (shrugs his shoulders and smiles) You never asked. (pauses) Why? Were you going to give me a reward?

Brittany:   I would have, but, you never asked.

Alvin:  Is it to late to ask now?

Brittany:   (Pretends to think hard) Um, I guess not.  What do you want?

Alvin:  (Pretends to think hard then answers jokingly) Uh, how about a kiss?

Brittany:   okay.

Princess Brittany kisses him. 

Brittany:   Thanks again. Bye! (Then turns around and leaves.)

Alvin stares after her, still in shock.

Simon:  Alvin, are you coming or not?

Alvin snaps out of his shock.

Alvin:  I'm coming, just a minute. (He boards the ship and sits down in the drivers seat.)

X-29:   So what did the princess say?

Alvin:  (Shrugs his shoulders) Nothing.

X-29 and Simon stare at each other and begin to laugh. Alvin ignores them and the ship takes off into space.


