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Hello! I'm Ambrosia,welcome to my world. Now that you have arrived you will learn a little bit about me and the people I love.

I was born in Wichita Falls,Texas in 1966 to military parents. While growing up we moved around the country, but I call Shreveport, Louisiana home. I am a 35 year old mother of two beautiful girls, (MY PRIDE AND JOY), Mandy, age 13 and Megan, age 11. I also have 2 wonderful stepsons Chris 25 and Brian 17. I live in Florida with my husband Bodyguard the man of my dreams. Some of you may know us, since we hang out at AfterHours and a few other chatsites. I have always been in retail management, but my real love is cake decorating. I am a professional cake decorator and I also do makeup and hair for weddings, proms.....etc.

My oldest daughter, Mandy,, even at 13 years of age, talks and acts all grown up, she even thinks so (LOL). She is a straight A student, loves to read and watch movies. She lives in Florida where she is a cheerleader and girl scout. She is my movie buff. Mandy, my little angel, I love you, you are a treasure.

Megan, who I call BOOBOO, is a 11 year old with ATTITUDE, just like her momma, (LOL). She is my curly headed baby, who will melt your heart as she has mine. Megan loves the outdoors, animals, and is a third year Brownie. She is a dancer, gymnast and said to be the next PAULA ABDUL. Megan, I love you, you have stolen my heart.

As many of you who know me, know that Bodyguard is my life. We were married September 15th, 1998 in Lake Tahoe California, meeting him and marrying him was the best thing to ever happen to me in my life. Bodyguard and the girls are my reason for living the reason i wake up everyday. Bodyguard is my lifeline, my soulmate, Bestfriend, lover, my Master, husband, and the sexiest man i have ever met in my life. I LOVE YOU BODYGUARD, always and forever, you are my WORLD!!!!!!

I have three people who mean a lot to me, they are TulipsMy best girlfriend, what can i say about such a sweetie. I am so glad we are friends you are always there for me to make me laugh or to listen to me cry. I truly value our friendship and i love ya sweetie, lixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, giggles.

Serena36What can i say to you, we have been through so much together. I miss all of us spending weekends at each others houses, our trip to Reno(but not the deer)LMAO. Hopefully oneday we can get together again it would be great.
Here are some poems I wrote hope you enjoy!

I close my eyes and what do i see nothing but blackness stareing back at me, I struggle and struggle to see some light I fear i will only see darkness tonight.

But what am i looking for i really dont know Maybe just a ray of light to help me make it through this night. Im afraid of the dark sometimes, afraid of what i may find or better yet what may find me I feel the evil that lurks in the dark.

The hauntings of my past that visit me at night they know where i am and how to find me, they can see me, smell me,they know im scared, I try to run and hide so i wont be found.

I lay still and quiet blending in with the night I can hear them breathing, searching for me I tell myself to be quiet, dont move, dont make a sound maybe this once they will go away and let me be.

The darkness dosen't hide me and i have been found I scream and i shake and i cry, for i know what awaits me I know tonight is the night i will die, no one to help me no where to turn, no more struggles to see the light.

My time has come to leave this world i hope someone remembers me remembers the laughter the good times my smile Im cold and im scared, i dont want to go I finally give up the struggle i know i cant win i close my eyes and let the darkness take over.


The places I romp:

My Soul-Mate's Web Page
A great place to play games online
A great puzzle site
Hotmail free e-mail site
Spectacular site
ebay auctions
Angelfire-Easiest Free Home Pages