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My Website

Now here is how I rate my bootlegs and everything. On my pages you will find my bootlegs listed in separate pages, they are listed in alphabetical order. And how you will find all the information about my bootlegs is listed, below is the way I have is listed my shows

MM/DD/YY City Venue Info on the show
12/01/99 Montreal, Que The Metropolis Show Rocks


Shows are bases on a 5-10 rating scale, where 5 being the lowest and 10 being the best. Anything that is 9.7 and higher are soundboard recording or close to it, in other words highly recommended. Shows that are less than 8.0 are for the real collectors and are not recommended. Anything between the 8.0 and 9.5 are decent but the higher you go towards 9.5 the better they are. As for the Venues, I have added the ones I know, if you know some that are marked unknown, please email me with the correct venue and I will be forever thankful.
As for the shows and their source, this is a delicate category. If the show is marked with a , it doesn't mean that I have it on CD, it means I might have it on CD or it was recorded on to CD. If there are shows that are marked with a or , these mean that it was either recorded on to DAT or MINIDISK, and I might have them on DAT.

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Email me if you are confused.

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