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Before you make any choices, on where you want your life to go. I want you to consider a few things, these are some steps to follow as you prepare to make a life changing choice.


You have sinned in the sight of God. Be deeply sorry for your sin. Hate it and be willing to turn from every thought, word, action and habit that you know to be wrong.


Jesus Christ died on the cross bearing all the guilt and penalty of your sin.


Jesus never promised it would be easy to follow Him. Expect opposition, sneers and misunderstanding. Every part of your life, work, friendships, time, money, must all come under His control.


Accept Jesus Christ into your life to be your Lord to control you to control you, your Saviour to cleanse you, your friend to guide and be with you.

So many miss this last step and thus never come to know Jesus christ. Perhaps no verse in the Bible makes this last step clearer than REVELATION 3:20. Jesus is speaking,

" Behold I stand at the door and knock; If any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into Him..."

Jesus Christ waits outside the door of your life. He will not force His way in. He wants to be asked in. The handle is on the inside; only you can open the door of your life to Jesus christ and let Him come in and live in your heart and life.

Have you ever taken this step? Perhaps you have never realized before that there was anything for you to do. You can be baptized, go to church, yes, even read the bible and pray, and still leave Jesus Christ outside the door of your life. Face this question honestly.

Is Christ outside your life or inside? Will you let Him in or keep Him out? You cannot ignore Christ's invitation forever. Time is running out fast.

Just think of Christ's love for you: The cross, the shame and pain, His body nailed to the cross, His blood shed, all for you. Think of what He saves you from: Eternal destruction, separation from God forever, which is what hell is. Think of the shortness of this life: After death there will be no more opportunity to turn to Christ. It will be to late.

Think of Christ knocking now, asking to come into your life. You want Him to come into your life, or perhaps you want to make sure He has come into your life. It might help you to say this prayer on the next page, phrase by phrase, quietly, thoughtfully, thinking carefully about what you are saying, and what you are doing.

Now if your ready to make that choice, and ask Jesus Christ into your life. As your own personal Saviour, then go on to the next page.
Jesus is waiting for you to open the door, and let Him in.

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If you feel that you are not ready to make this choice, and need to find out more, then don't be afraid to email me, about any questions or even if you just want me to pray for you.
