Those born on August 7 have an irresistable attraction to secretiveness and undercover events of all types. Generally they are somewhat covert in their own behavior but may also display a marked interest in mystery or spy stories, puzzles and the like. Those more academically or scientifically oriented may wish to master foriegn languages, delve into history or decode nature's secrets. Those born on this day are never happier than when uncovering some tidbit of information previously unknown and perhaps revealing it to a close friend of colleague. In a way they are like detectives, ferreting out the truth and putting it to interesting, sometimes lucrative, uses.
August 7 people must beware of arousing antagonisim or making enemies by uncovering truths. particularly those persons wounded or compromised by their disclosures. Sometimes those born on this day are well-meaning but fail to see the consequences of their actions; they must also take pains to thoroughly research their findings and thus conclusively establish the validity of statements while avoiding hearsay.
Many August 7 people have a desire to reveal their hidden selves, the intimacies of their own private life, yet are afraid to do so and remain reclusive. Sometimes they only have one very special friend or family member to whom they can confide with confidence, but even someone as close as a wife or husband may live for a lifetime with an August 7 person and still not be aware of a secret world which they inhabit. Perhaps this is because those born on this day are often expert at playing two or more roles. They can appear to be the most conventional, upstanding citizen on the surface and indeed function as a model spouse or parent, while at the same time lead a hidden life and succeed in it for long periods of time before that are discovered, perhaps post humously.
August 7 people are very adept at using humor and making light of potentially dangerous situations. . .