Tote Board Of Images:
Your eyes do not decieve you, some images are slightly blurry. What can I say? The camera went on strike.
Guess Who? I've only put the close-up in here because his full figure image has changed since I took this picture. Scully now stands to his right, and the signature "X" is centered behind them both floor-to-ceiling. This is on the same wall as Max. Mulder stands his full 6 feet high and has bumped Jack Schafer to my second favorite.
"Get Me Outta Here"
from "Apocrypha"
This door leads to the rest of the house. (No implications intended) It is the first thing I completed. The "window" is painted with an acrylic vehicle and therefore shines in the light. The yellow poster reads: "EXTREEME DANGER: Authorized Entry Only. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Deadly force is authorized. Sec. 4721-6.42"
"This Is Not Happening"
Jack Schafer from "Jose Chungs'From Outer Space'"
He's set into a corner, and raises approximately 37in. off the floor. The cigarette he smokes is a Morely, written with permanent fine-tipped marker.
"Toxic Cleanup A Success"
Max Fenig from "Fallen Angel"
"Evidence To The Contrary"
UFO from "Fallen Angel"and "Max"
Centered around my ceiling lamp, the FX of merely turning the light on makes a spectacular display.
Eugene Victor Tooms from "Squeeze"and "Tooms"
Here's a close-up of Tooms. (The brown blops under his chin are from damaged film. They are not part of the original image.)
"The Truth Is Out There"
Scully and Mulder
Note: the shading on the X is binary code.
"The Invisible Man"
'Moth Man' from "Detour"
Here's the left side of my dresser. It now reads "AD NOCITVM" down the side.