Land Of The Links

Here are just a few links I think you might enjoy, if you're anything like me (scary thought!):

I Love - Cuz I really *do* >^..^<

Poetry.Com - The language of the heart

Planet SARK - A haven of love and inspiration for the succulent spirit

WisdomFlash at ConsciousOne - Bite size flashes of illumination

New Age Web Works - A smorgasbord of enlightenment

Introductions to Taoism - More food for the soul

Pagan's Path - A free spiritual education center, offering studies in magick, mysticism, and other metaphysical pursuits

Grandmother Spider's Spirit Web - A mystic bounty of magickal resources - A resource for the whole person, mind, body, and spirit

National Recycling Coalition - Because it's the right thing to do

Adam-Michael James Online - Home of the author, actor, and musician extrodinaire

Deathpony AVP - Knowledgeable audio/video production and excitingly active music label

Mystic Horizon Press - E-zine of written and visual art that celebrates all that is mystic within and around us - A wealth of information on what was, is, and will be happening in the worlds of progressive and classic rock

Dave Barry - Possibly the funniest man on earth (or at least in Miami)

Angelfire - The folks that made this humble little page possible

For more links, check out my AutoBio