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Mime- A small stretch of peninsula on the coast of Wutai Island, faces Rocket Town.

Mime command: Duplicates last ally's action e.g. if Tifa had mime equipped and Cloud cast Fire3, Tifa would cast Fire3 if she chose to mime. Hint: use with KotR or a cure spell for good results, megalixir will be awesome because it's free!

HP->MP- The most northern peninsula of Gold Saucer continent, faces Icicle Area

HP->MP: Switches HP total to MP total, and vice versa e.g. If Cloud had 9999 HP and 999 MP, if HP-MP was equipped then he would have 999 HP and 9999 MP(wow)

Knights of the Round- Not on the map, a round crater-like island in the northeast corner of the world.

Knights of the Round: The most powerful summon in the game, summons 13 knights that deal a LOT of damage to all enemies, depending on the magic level. See my devoted shrine.

Quadra Magic- At the end of the long chain of islands that start from Mideel.

Quadra Magic:Able to cast materia linked to it four times, if possible.  A quadra magic linked with ultima will work if there is enough MP, but a linked level 3 Bahamut will only be cast three times. Hint: use with level 4-5 Bahamut Zero. Sorry, won't work with KotR.