Welcome to Budget Press!

Welcome to Budget Press!

makers of fine zines and chapbooks and things

Pocket Histories

by johnnie b. baker

A series of very small and brief history zines
on the intro basics of their subjects.


by Stephen T. Brophy

the stadium that ate Houston.

DC Books to Prisons #3

a collection of prisoner created poetry,
prose, and art collected with their
permission by DC Books to Prisons

Tumbling Through

by Robyn Joy

the truth of experience.

Слава Україні!

by Kristin Stadum with johnnie b. baker

Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania
support Ukraine.

Creamy Scream

by Flying Haddock

circling the drain of existence.

Chorus in an Empty Field

by John Dorsey

spending time in someone's head.

To Swallow the Summer

by Leia John

love is fleeting.

Budget Press Review #9

with Martin Appleby, Tohm Bakelas,
Glen Binger, Renee Gurley,
Melissa Lewis, Heather Lowe,
Kelly McClure, Cheryl Sonstein,
Kristin Stadum, Uno Foto Art
and johnnie b. baker

lit zine love.

Terrible Stories

by Kelly Mc Clure

we are all alone.

Budget Press Review Podcast

Poems and stories for your listening pleasure
brought to you by Budget Press!

Check out the
Budget Press Catalogue of Fun!

a whole lotta zines and chapbooks and stuff for your pleasure!

johnnie b. on Instagram!

johnnie b. on facebook!


Everything on the Budget Press website CopyrightBudget Press