Budget Press Catalog

Welcome to the Budget Press Catalog!

Check out all the zine and chapbook love that Budget Press has to offer. Some are poetry, some are prose, some have words and art, some are just art. Something for everyone!
If there's a PayPal link, it's available!

Zines and Lit Zines

DC Books to Prisons #3
a collection of prisoner created poetry, prose, and art collected with their permission by DC Books to Prisons volunteers. Free pdf available.

Creamy Scream by Flying Haddock
circling the drain of existence

Budget Press Review #9
with Martin Appleby, Tohm Bakelas, Glen Binger, Renee Gurley, Melissa Lewis, Heather Lowe, Kelly McClure, Cheryl Sonstein,
Kristin Stadum, Uno Foto Art and johnnie b. baker
lit zine love.

DC Books to Prisons #2
a second zine about the DC Books to Prisons non-profit, the work they do, and why they do it. Free pdf available.

Campervan Honeymoon
by Kristin Stadum and johnnie b. baker
more than just a souvenir!

DC Books to Prisons #1
a zine about the DC Books to Prisons non-profit, the work they do, and why they do it. Free pdf available.

Budget Press Review #8
with Sean Andress, Devon Balwit, Lana Bella, Billy Bridwell, Stephen T. Brophy, Joshua Didriksen, Evan Guilford-Blake, Renee Gurley, Robyn Joy,
Catfish McDaris, Lynn Mueller, Norman J. Olson, Tim Philippart, Cheryl Sonstein, Kristin Stadum, Patrick Strong, Lynn White and johnnie b. baker.
The latest edition of the little lit zine from hell. Free online!

Budget Press Review #7
with jaga n.a. argentum, Katie Brown, Juliet Estorga, Julian Gallo, Joanna Gorman and Lester Milton.
more of the little lit zine from hell. Free online!

Budget Press Review #6
with Becky Bain, Steven Conway, Kimberly DeHuff, Steven Hovey, Violet LeVoit, Jared McBride, Dallas McLaughlin,
Christopher Mulrooney, Jeffrey S. Ribaudo, Cassie J. Sneider and johnnie b. baker.
another little lit zine from hell. Free online!

Budget Press Review #5
with Michael Andre, Stephen T. Brophy, Daino, Kevin L. Donihe, Alina Fox, Kelly Mc Clure, Crystal Powell,
Jennifer Stoever, Patrick Strong, Philip Taylor and johnnie b. baker.
the return of the little lit zine from hell. Free online!

Budget Press Review #4
With Harry R. Wilkens, ken robidoux, Kioke Fin, John Gallo, Alan Gilliland,
A.K. Greeley, Phillip Langley, Patrick Oh, and johnnie b. baker.
the little lit zine from hell. Free online!

Budget Press Review #3
with Michael Andre, Paul Semel, C. Mulrooney, Jennifer Stoever, Lanny Fields,
Anna Arutunyan, Tom Hamilton, Ben Vincent, ST Brophy, Richard Tater, and johnnie b. baker.
yet another little lit zine. Free online!

Budget Press International
with ST Brophy, Richard Tater, Brent Kresovich, Mike Barney,
David Reeves, Jennifer Stoever, Danzelion and johnnie b. baker.
lots of words about the world. Free online!

Budget Press Review #2
with David Miller, Paula Lopez, Jeffrey S. Ribaudo,
Bob Nye, Nick Ianelli, and ken robidoux.
another little lit zine. Free online!

Budget Press Review #1
with Patrick Strong, ST Brophy, Steve Hovey,
Chris Katko, Chad Davidson, and johnnie b. baker.
a little lit zine. Free online!

Hamwax by Cadillac Luke and Clay Raelings.
the 'zine that proves anyone can do this.

meagarity by Jeffrey S. Ribaudo
look at the pretty pictures.

Non-fiction, perzines

Pocket Histories by johnnie b. baker
A series of very small and brief history zines on the intro basics of their subjects.

My Snow-globe Life #5 by johnnie b. baker
living the best life.

My Snow-globe Life #4 by johnnie b. baker
shake it up.

I Belong Here by Kristin Stadum
always live.

My Snow-globe Life #3 by johnnie b. baker
traveling through southern Utah.

About last night... by Robyn Joy
surrealistic pillow thoughts.

let your fingers do the walking by johnnie b. baker
it's a snap!

in 100 years we'll all be dead by Cheryl Sonstein
the joke is on everybody.

My Snow-globe Life #2 by johnnie b. baker
been there, done that, bought a snowglobe.

Large Things by Soheil Sassani
big thoughts in a few words.

Fear of Infamy by Joanna Gorman
someone who has remembered their training.

Letter to my Seven Year Old Self by Julian Gallo
the times have kept changing.

My Snow-globe Life #1 by johnnie b. baker
life is little more than a snow globe.

The Suchdol Diaries by Matthew Carr
prodigious prose from Praha.

Earn Money Sleeping by Bob Nye
the king of punk gets a job.

True Life Adventures by Mike Barney
a man of many words and many places.


Megalodome by Stephen T. Brophy
the stadium that ate Houston.

Terrible Stories from Kelly McClure
we are all alone.

The Devil's Right Hand by Stephen T. Brophy
even a bad guy's got to start somewhere.

Tales of Something-Something by Matt E. Lewis
you have the power to save yourself if you stay in reality. this will not help.

The Eternity Conundrum by Stephen T. Brophy
maybe there is a reason not to help destroy the world.

The Villain's Sidekick by Stephen T. Brophy
It's a book! It's a novella! It's a guy with weaponized prosthetics!

Photo zines

Слава Україні! by Kristin Stadum with contributions from johnnie b. baker
Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania support Ukraine.

Lost and Found by Kristin Stadum
where the missing things are.

pyrenees and such by johnnie b. baker
wandering around southern France and northern Spain.

Москва девушки by johnnie b. baker
photos taken without looking.


Especially by Tom Hamilton
suspended between love and pain.

Tumbling Through by Robyn Joy
the truth of experience.

Chorus in an Empty Field by John Dorsey
spending time in someone's head.

To Swallow the Summer by Leia John
love is fleeting.

Young When the Sun Went Down by Clay Hunt
just barely getting by.

Dress Naked by Jessica Lee
without apologies.

Nobody's Hero by Martin Appleby
punk rock growing pains.

Big Poetry Accounts (and other poems) by Glen Binger
more than a datamine.

Destroy My Wound by Tohm Bakelas
we have entered the darkest timeline.

Dry Heat by Jennifer Stoever
read close, you just might learn something.

The Last Railroad Spike by Aaron Wiegert
not everyone's destiny is clearly manifest.

Yesterday's Coffee by Nathan Black Rupp
on love and shit and the voices in the wake.

The Mermaid
words by Christopher Mulrooney and drawings by Heather Lowe
down by the sea.

Evil Queen by Aaron Wiegert
power corrupts.

Lilith's Panties by Paula Lopez
the confessions of a red-blooded american woman.

HeadHole by Nicholas Morgan
the decay, the growth, the life, the meaning.

Spin Cycles by Kevin L. Donihe
life and love in the machine.

Street Gospel Mystical Intellectual Survival Codes by John Gallo
the guilty jester of New York.

PISS TALKS by Harry R. Wilkens
ah, the poetry of international politics.

Luncheon Duets or Solipsistic Soliloquies by George Samson
an uncomfortable date over a twelve dollar plate.

CATASTROPHE! by Steve Conway
fires and floods and earthquakes, oh my!

Meandering Through the Mind by Rachel Caldwell
here's a warm body with a hot pen.

The Last Days of My Teeth by Tom Hamilton
an Irishman in America.

Angels and Pinheads by David Miller
one man's truth.

Shrapnel by Scott C. Holstad
life's a bitch.

About the Girl by C. C. Russell
poems plucked in passing.

Rock and Roll Girl by John Grey
a fistful of phrases and kingfisher songs.

It's Always Something by Kelly Mcclure
poems from a woman on the verge.

Living Pain by Dan Buck
oh, the irony of it all.

Instamatic by Hunter Manasco
poems from a lesbian trapped in a mans body.

The Secret Diary Entries of Ten Mormon Prophets from the
Nineteenth Century
by Christopher Stolle
a poem of epic proportions.

Saint Agnes Preface by Robert James Brant
a very short story from the land of rolling rocks.

The Book of Shadows by Tricia Goetz
poems about love, pain, and death.

Tales I Have Been Hanged By. by David Castleman
poetry that will rape your mind.

We Wish To End All by Lob
one man, one sitting; one rhyme, ten haiku's.

Singing for Pennies on the Streets by C. Mulrooney
poetry that's short, sweet, and to the point.

Sending Cinderblock Moonbeams Through the Ceiling by Mike Buller
read the random thoughts of a wayward fool.

Twisted by Jenna
read her, love her, just hope you never meet her.

Road Worthy Hungry and Mean by Mel Bain
poetry as hot as a jalapeno butt plug.

Unpleasantly Plump by Patrick Strong
more shit from a guy who's full of it.

Sign of the Cross by Bob Nye
poetry from the king of punk.

nice guys finish furniture by ST Brophy
wisdom from the poet laureate of the Lower Haight.

Rockess by Jessica
poetry from the queen of the storage shed.

? by David Reeves
poetry from the bi-polar man.

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