President/Registrar: (Mrs.) Bobbie Mosimann, Box 1246, Raymond Alb. T0K 2S0
Vice President/CME Editor: MaryAnn Dalton; 310-10A St. N.W.; Calgary, Alb. T2N 1W6
Always include an Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope when writing for information.
The CMC&R has been in operation since Oct 1975, and is an active club aimed at providing fun and competition for Canadian model horse showers. All breeds and makes of model horses are welcome.
You are considered a full member if you meet the following requirements: 1. You are a resident of Canada, 2. You subscribe to the CME 3.You have model horses registered with the registrar.
Registration fees are: 7 cents/horse, 50 cents/10 horses or $1/24 horses. NO APPLICATIONS in excess of 30 horses at one time!!!! Give the following information: Name (give 3 choices to avoid duplication, ie., add a stable name or initials, etc.), breed, sex, age (ADULT or FOAL only), colour, make, mold, sire & dam and your name and address. Submit on lined paper for the files. We don't issue individual certificates but please enclosed an SASE to receive your registration numbers. After registering 10 horses, you will receive a stable registration certificate. Please notify registrar of any transfer of ownership. The registry is only open Jan 1 to Nov 31 of each year because of the holiday rush.
Year End Awards
Are announced in the March/April issue and are based on points sent in by the individual showers. Champion/Reserves are awarded in the following:
Overall/Grand Champion; Champion Appaloosa; Champion Arabian; Champion Stallion; Champion Gaited Horse; Champion Drafter; Champion Mare; Champion TB; Champion Morgan; Champion Gelding; Champion Mixed Breed; Champion Paint; Champion Foal; Champion Quarter Horse; Champion Pony; Champion Novice; Champion Other Breed; Champion Warmblood
Top 10 in each of the above categories
Honour Roll (horses with over 500 points)
President's List (horses with over 1,000 points)
Scroll of Excellence (horses with over 5,000 points)
The awards program depends largely on the individual sponsorships. Champion & Reserve in each division receives a commercial rosette.
Nationals are held towards the end of the end of the year. Champion and Reserve are named in each class followed by placing s 1st-10th. A special point scale is in effect for this show only. Open only to members and their horses. Details as to date & judge are in the CME.
Benefits are more than welcome and are the primary source of income to keep the CMC&R thriving. Ads in the CME are ½ price (overpayments considered donations). We have a regular series of monthly point shows with members volunteering as judges. There are three divisions: original finish (OF), customized (CM), and OF China/Resin horses, with 32 classes in each division. Entry fee is $1.00. There is a year end award for the series that is separate from the YEA's. Points from these shows also count towards CMC&R YEA's. Details in the CME.
The CMC&R appreciates the value of the new shower; therefore, we have a separate division for them at the Nationals, as well as a special year end award for them. We also encourage individual show holders to offer classes for novices at their shows. A novice shower is anyone who has been showing 2 years or less. The time is taken from when you first join the club. Photos entered in novice classes must be taken by a novice.
All correspondence requiring a reply must be accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE). We welcome any and all questions.
The Maritime Model Horse Collectors & Showers Association was formed in 1991 in an effort to bring together model horse enthusiasts all over the Maritimes, to make hosting the Maritime Madness Live Show easier, and to create a mailing list.
Membership in the MMHC&SA is $1 per year; the only requirements are that you live in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland or Prince Edward Island, and that you collect and /or show model horses!
For more information on MMHC&SA, write (including a long SASE):
MMHC&SA; c/o Debbie Gamble-Arsenault; Alexandra R.R. #1; Charlottetown, PEI C1A 7J6 CANADA
Or E-mail:
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