10th Anniversary edition of the
It’s hard to believe, friends, but 2003 marks the 10th year of
our show! Imagine, this looniness has been running rampant annually
for 10 years now! Help us celebrate by attending this ot-to-be-missed
We’ve got an expanded classlist (more halter classes for those LE’s and Special Runs), and of course, the usual Maritime Hospitality will be at the forefront. As well, we hope to be able to do some “real horse” type thingies. Bring models magazines, interesting reference books, movies, or whatever you think other folks might like to see.
The show will be held at West Branch Community Hall; we politely
request that smokers respect our NO SMOKING environment,
and step outside for your breaks.
Hosts for the show are Elinor & Harold O'Brien; accommodations
there on a 1st come/1st served basis; room for 5 people. Additional accommodations at.
Balmoral Motel 1-888-383-9357
Train Station Inn 1-877-658-3466 (Tatamagouche)
Brule Shore Cabins 1-902-657-2922
As well, donations of items for door prizes are greatly appreciated.
If you wish to donate something, contact Elinor O'Brien
Entry fee is the same as last year: $25 for either division,
$35 for both, or $5 per horse.. Limits of 3 horses per class per
competitor and 4 performance classes per horse. Leg tags must be on all models. Leg tags will be provides, or do your own.
8:00 a.m. Show begins with performance classes
12:00 noon (Approximately) We’ll break for lunch a the show hall. Donations of food for the lunch will be greatly appreciated. Show resumes after we finish eating. The plan is, to get as many classes done today as possible, so that the load will be lighter tomorrow.
6:30 p.m. Show concludes
for Saturday.
9:00 a.m. Show resumes at the point at which we left off yesterday, and runs until classes are finished.
6:30 p.m. Kick back, relax and rehash the week-ends successes with the ritual “Ya’ll Come Back, Now!” Barbeque. Sunday evening, explore, stay and chat, or head for home, if you absolutely must!
Of course, we’ll have lots of door prizes, draws, etc. Donations of prizes and door-prize items will be appreciated.
Sponsorships of classes or champs are as follows: Both Division, Grand & Reserve: $5 each; Halter or Performance champ & Reserve, $4 each. Class sponsorships, $1 each.
Titles to be awarded at the show in BOTH divisions: Stallion, Mare, Gelding & Foal Champ & Reserve; Overall Halter & Reserve; English Perf & Res; Western Perf & Res; Misc Perf & Res.; Overall Perf & Res; Grand Champion & Reserve; Champion of Show & Reserve. Trophies and rosettes for Grand/Reserve and Champs & Reserves; flats to 5th place.
Judges this year will be ..... guess who?? All of us! As we’ve done in past years, we’ll draw from our own expertise: a person who hasn’t entered a particular class is eligible to be the judge of that class.