The Canadian Model Horse Net is a Canadian based list server, started by Debbie Gamble-Arenault & Tanis MacDonald. It is meant as great way to meet and bring together Canadian model horse collectors and showers, and make new friends with the same interests as ours. We discuss everything about model horses (Breyers, Hartlands, Hagan-Renakers etc) and showing them. There's no age limit, or other restriction on the CMHNet: the only requirement to joining is that you be Canadian!
CMHNet is SOMEWHAT like the Haynet in the United States; just not nearly as big!!
As well, we have a semi-monthly chat which everyone has great fun with. (And the best thing is, you don't have to be Java-enabled to participate!) We usually chat every second Saturday evening, at the following times:
Sat., January 30
Sat., February 13
Sat., February 27
Sat., March 13
Sat., March 27
For information on how to join the Canadian Model HorseNet, or our Chats,
Debbie Gamble-Arsenault -
Please take me . . .