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A glance at Christ within us.

An important Hindu word to keep in mind is NAMASTE meaning
"I honor the Holy One who dwells within you."

"I am God's workmanship, created in Christ to do his work that He planned beforehand that I should do." -Ephesians 2:10

Consider for a moment that everything about you—your appearance, personality, and, most importantly, your soul—was created and crafted by God. Imagine, for just a few seconds, that you were put exactly where you are for a purpose. God chose you for a special mission. Your strengths and your weaknesses. He filled your imperfect body with a spirit that, with His help, can see past the imperfections of others to their hearts.

NAMASTE:I Honor The Holy One Who Dwells Within You!

No matter what our mission, what our place in life, we must see past the appearance of others to the Holy One inside. We must realize that everyone is created by and called by God.  As Christians, the only way that we can be the body (notice: body is singular) of Christ is to see past ou differences and human imperfections, to the Holy Spirit inside.We’re all in this together.  We are a team.  We are the body of Christ.

"Together you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of that body." -1 Corinthians 12:27

Let’s join hands and hearts and honor the Holy One who dwells in all of us!

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