The library

Here I have put together a collection of useful, informative links.
No smut, so most of you can probably just surf on. Dirty little buggers.

The one and only...

The Economist - the world's best weekly newsmagazine.
Intelligent, informed and elegant. English wit and wisdom at its best - a delight to read!

The American Spectator. Conservative with strong libertarian leanings. Also very well written.

Matt Drudge. Always vulgar, often wrong, sometimes brave and a very few times brilliant. Worth checking out anyway.

USAToday - Not the deepest, nor the best, but easy and handy. I check it out daily, anyway.

Washington Post - too g'darn liberal to be trusted, but too well informed to be ignored.

Washington Times - All the news the liberals at the Post don't dare to print, or misrepresent.

New York Post - Tough, dirty, honest (ok, ok...and reactionary...)

ABC News - Some great background info and often quicker at updating than some of the others.

The Independent - Maybe the best daily newspaper in the world. English writing at its very best.

The Times - also a great newspaper, although a tad too conservative. You have to register at this site first:

Without a doubt, the web's best search engine.

Not a very good search engine, but awesome subdirectories, if you have the time & brain to browse them.

Handy for finding people.

Also handy for finding people.

Anonymous e-mail accounts. Very practical...

World's best movie-related search engine.

Lots of great lyrics

Easiest free homepages (I guess I'd better put them up here, or who knows what might happen to this page...quite accidentally, of course...)

The world factbook 1999 - by the CIA.

Chiefs of state and cabinet members of the world's governments - also from the CIA.

Maps from - you guessed it - the CIA!!!

Search the US government. (Who wouldn't love to?)

US Government printing office. Tons of info!

The White House

Database of the Congress of the United States, links to The House of Representatives and The Senate

Database of the US Supreme Court

National Archives and Records Administration - tons of great info.
Old posters & documents, etc - a must if you're interested in history!

A radical new way of looking at how we organize the economy and just about everything else.
I know the guy behind it, and I really recommend a look!

Travelling in the US? Very handy page with lots of links to online booking services, maps, etc, etc. Highly recommended.

Handy for renting a car! Very easy to use - make online reservations!


U.S. Supreme Court Opinions

FindLaw's searchable database of the Supreme Court decisions since 1893 (U.S. Supreme Court Decisions: US Reports 150-, 1893-). Yon can browse by year and US Reports volume number and searchable by citation, case title and full text.


Citation Search Title Search Full-Text Search

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