The MACHO page

When it comes to foreign & defense policy, I'm generally considered to be on the far right of Genghis Khan. The pictures and links below might show you why... This page is part pure rage at political correctness and part poke at my pinko friends on the net. Freedom isn't free, and the defense of it is an important task. Blabber about cosmic harmony, flower-power and healing crystals won't stop the Hitlers and Stalins of our times. Peace is achieved and sustained through superior firepower, and the moral alertness of free, armed citizens.

A special thanks to cara, who inspired this page (quite unintentionally).

They're watching YOU! (If you're half as insane as I am, at least I hope they're watching you).

Ya KNOWS the truth is out there!

More watchers...

Now THESE guys are definitely watching!
So secret, the joke used to be that their initials stood for "No Such Agency"...

The Secret Service.

The armed forces of the United States of America.

These guys are protecting your nerdish butt from the commies and the Islamists, so show them respect!

Search the Armed Forces.

The Pentagon and the respective branches.

A people at war - an online exhibition from the National Archives and Records Administration.

Tainted by European decadence, but they still kick ass...

Wanted, dead or alive. Preferably the former, if you ask me.

Lots and lots of links to police-related sites.

A company that makes training videos, etc for police officers.

Protecting our fundamental right to self defense.

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