
Here are my comments about what you had to say concerning Christianity.

There's a lot of opinion, a lot of vauge generalisations ("If The Bible is anything more than superstitious bunk, you have to accept that modern astronomy and mathematics lie" - really, why?) and a few statements going flat against modern scholarship, said with the air of "this is accepted fact by all" (like for example - "is therefore solely based on the credibility of unknown or obscure writers living decades after Jesus’ death" - really? I thought the apostles were witnesses to Jesus' ministry. Prehaps you know better, but you don't bother to pass on this knowledge that has escaped much of modern scholarship).

You have a little section on miricles, and aside from the usual "In my presupposed Godless universe, miricles just can't happen" argument, we also have a little twist. You note that if we are to believe the Bible, we must throw away what we know of nature, because "People are eaten by fish and survive. Bushes self-ignite and talk. Sticks become snakes. Dust becomes mosquitoes. Clouds follow people, glow in the night and strike people with lightning on command. Storms are made and stilled. Hail destroys trees. Darkness covers the land for days" - no sir, the Bible makes it quite clear that these are MIRICLES, and CONTRARY to nature. So, to believe the Bible, you just have to put down your presupposition that an all powerful God that could cause the miricles doesn't exist in the first place.

Then you have some of the usual ignorance about the Trinity - the general argument follows this line - "This is my conception of the Trinity. I cannot possibly be incorrect, because I am perfect. Therefore, it must the Trintiy that is flawed, and not my understanding".

How about some ignorance about the problem of sin in the face of an infinitely Holy God? According to you God "comes up with a brilliant scheme" - oh no, it couldn't possibly be the only way for an infintely holy being to ensure sinfull beings like ourselves could get anywhere near him. Mixed in with this, we have the usual ignorance of what Jesus actually went through on the cross, and what price was paid. Overall, your retelling of the event comes accross as a spoof - therefore, I suggest you do what you normally do with spoofs - laugh at it, then dismiss it and get back to the version based on reality.

Of course, we couldn't get by without the usual brainwashing argument - "The Christian theology and inner «logic» is so absurd that it takes years of brainwashing or a large tumor to accept it" - once again, because you are a perfect being, it couldn't possibly be YOU that has the deficiency, gosh no. Because you can't understand it, it MUST be the theology.

Next, we have your reasons for calling Christianity a sick, imoral doctraine. We start with this - "The moral message of Christianity is evil, degrading and sick. It has caused more human suffering than anything else throughout world history" - no, the moral message of Chrsitianity is generally recognised as one of the highest moral codes ever issued. What has caused the suffering is PEOPLE who were not following these teachings in the slightest. Here's a challenge for sir, and any other skeptic - you go do the worst possible things you can think of, cause as much suffering as you can WITHOUT breaking a single one of Jesus' teachings. Let me know the results.

Then, on the same note, we get this - "They blame human weakness, and point to the good things they are doing themselves. But that will not suffice." - actually, I blame human hypocracy. People who claim to be following a set of rules, but actually are completely contradicting them.

How about some more ignorance - "Christianity tells us that man was made by God, in his image. This means that we were godlike when we ran naked around in the woods" - okay sir, you find me a Biblical scholar that is willing to put his name next to the theory that "in his image" refers to physical image and not concience.

Wait! We ALMOST got through without some heavy duty argument by outrage. Naturally, to somebody who doesn't believe in an afterlife, God was terribly unjust when he orders the death of innocents - too bad if they went straight to heaven or something, you want them back on this earth toiling like the rest of us!

And then we have this - "Many Christians are rightfully ashamed of the God of The Old Testament" - well, I'm not. I'm ashamed of Christians that are ashamed of the God that went to Hell so you don't have to.

Then, we get to some more generalities - "He claims to have come to split families. He has come with the sword" - can I have specific verses sir, so I can show your ignornace regarding them properly please? Or this maybe - "while honest merchants are condemned". I can't remember Jesus saying "Honest merchants are condemned", but I'm sure you can supply a book and verse number for me.

And, finishing up with some more argument by outrage, this time regarding a God who condemns to Hell all those who "think differently to him" (Sin, what's that? Holy? I'm just as Holy as an infinitely Holy God, how dare you say otherwise you intolerant person!). And this - "We are to crawl and bow to this monster all our life to avoid his punishment" - really, I was under the impression that we were meant to enter a personal relationship with him - but once again, I'm sure you know better, and can back it up with scripture.

In your conclusion, we get a lot of things Chrsitianity stands for. I must have a defective Bible though, because I can think of teachings of Jesus that directly contradict almost everything that you list.

Finally, you almost get a gold star, but just miss the mark - "I strongly recommend people read The Bible" - I strongly recomend people UNDERSTAND the Bible. There are far to many people in this world that just "read" it, and assume it must mean whatever they think it means. So then, - "Only then can one, through one’s own eyes, get an idea of the depth and nature of Christianity’s stupidity and evilness" - or, only then can one, through ones own study, get an idea of the dept and nature of the ignorance and bigotry of people like YOU who refuse to look at the Bible in anything other than their own 20th century western mind.

And last of all, we get this comment - "The vast majority of Americans today do not follow the Christian teachings. That is the main reason why things are as good as they are" - yeah, they should get rid of the police force in this crime free paradise of a country! They need to stock up the library's with books describing things like "homeless" and "poverty", because those living in this paradise country never get to see or hear about these concepts! Thank goodness we don't have ideals like "love your nieghbour as yourself", or "give to those who beg from you" or "turn the other cheek" or "love your enemies, and pray for them".

Sir you obviously are a typical skeptic who THINKS he knows what he is talking about. Unfortuantely you don't, your spreading lies and that is distasteful to say the least.


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