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Ruth's Profile

Our Family: Ruth's Profile

Ruth's Profile

My Rebirth

I was born and raised from a christian evangelical-baptist background. I came from a family of 6 and I was the second to the youngest in the family, and the youngest among the 3 girls. My early years were associated with christian activities and christian friends. I was exposed to Christianity since at the time that I started to read and write. I remembered my family always bringing me to Daily Vacation Bible School, retreats and fellowships. I was the only young girl always tagging along with my sisters and brother to IVCF retreats and parties. It was not long that I developed a sense of belonging. I was born in a small town of the Visayas Region in the Philippines and being young me and my youngest brother were left alone spending our 6 years of education with our parents. It was not an easy life being separated from our spiritual bondings with our brothers and sisters. But this didn't stop me from searching. Other than my spiritual quest I was also a very sickly child. Death was imminent but God gave me another chanse.

When I moved to the city with my brothers and sisters my spiritual journey continued. I was involved with the IVCF Ministries in high school called Inter School Christian Fellowship. My first year high school at that university was so challenging and overwhelming. But this is when I started asking God about my existence. I thought all along that I was a christian already. But I realized christianity is not by proxy but a personal relationship with God. I found Christ that one morning during the Evangelistic Rally. I began to quenched for more and God made my life so meaningful inspite of the ups and downs.

My christian life had been so full of challenges. In college I was involved with the Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship. And then in nursing training I led the Nurse's Christian Fellowship in our Campus. I also attended christian retreats, camps and one of these is Kawayan Camp89. This is a full month of intensive camp which is held at the very remote areas in the Luzon Region.

After my nursing training I joined my brother who was the Medical Director for the Medical Ambassador of the Philippines. The clinic was up north of Mountain Province. It was here that I learned a lot about sacrifice, patience, grace, protection and comfort. The Clinic was way up that I had to hike 27 kms. That means no heavy belongings when you hike, just a back pack and a good rubber shoes and a flash light incase you didnt make it on time and when you are about to lose your trails. I was doing missionary work til I left for Canada in 1981.

My Professional Background

I took my nursing training in the Philippines and as soon as I got my registration I left for Cananda in Jan. 1981. I emmigrated together with my youngest brother and parents to Manitoba, Canada. Two weeks after we arrived I found myself working 3 jobs. Nursing jobs in the 80's were booming so with my excitement, I accepted those 3 jobs but I only lasted for a week. I was offered a position in Rehab Center, Nursing Home and French Hospital. I dropped those 2 and took the French Hospital.

We moved to Ontario in 1989 and I got another job at The Hospital For Sick Children in Toronto. Pediatric is always my first choise of specialty. I was working at the Multi-Organ Transplant Unit & Nephrology with a combination of renal dialysis. I also worked in the bone marrow transplant unit, cancer, burn and cardiac unit. In addition, I was also working at the Soumi Koti Finnish Nursing Home and this is where I learned to speak a little bit of finnish. In 1992 we moved back to Brandon (of all the place), Manitoba and since then I worked at Brandon General Hospital and Riverdale District Hospital. At present, I am waiting for the Lord to call me somewhere. And I know His timing is always perfect!

My Personal Profile

I am happily married to Jess for 15 years now and blessed with three (3) wonderful children. Paul is 13, John is 12, and Jessica is 10. We were both active in the campus ministry of the IVCF. We were members of the "His Sounds" chorale group conducted by our best friend and eventually became our Godfather in our wedding. We did a lot of travelling as part of our group singing engagements. Up to present time, His Sounds is still existing but with the new generation of singers, a lot of contemporary, acapellas, and different arrangements has been added. We got married in 1982 in Quezon City (Philippines). That was a wonderful and meaningful event that ever happened in our lives. I married my long time boyfriend and best friend. Jess. He joined me in Canada in December 1982. I am now helping him raising our 3 wonderful children.

At present we are involved in campus ministry called the International Student Ministries of Canada As you go along surfing our page you will learn more about our ministry.

My Hobbies and Interests

I play piano, guitar, organ and the keyboard. I started playing piano when I ws in grade 4 and started writing my own music composition when I was in grade 6. I tried almost all musical intruments but was never a master of anything. I love to sing though and I still writing music. I believe that when you have an intimate relationship with the Father, you always a song in your heart.

I am a member of our worship team at Calvary Temple. Just last week, we did our Singing Christmas Tree annual musical-drama production. It was such a glorious celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Family

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