My Hall of Fame

My Hall of Fame

This part of my site is where I get to brag :-)

I would like to thanks everyone who thought my site was worthy of an award!!!


Received on March 26th 1998--- WHOO HOO!!! I won my 2nd award!!!!!

Received on April 2nd 1998--- HURRAY!!! I won my 3rd Award!!!

Received on April 5th 1998--- WOW!!! This is my 4th Award!!

Received on April 9th 1998--- Congrats to me... I have and Outstading Leo Page!!!

Received on April 10th 1998--- I guess I have an "Adorable Leo" Site ;-)
Received on April 11th 1998--- ALRIGHT!!! This is my 5th Award!!!! This site is doing GOOD!!!

Received on April 13th 1998

Get YOUR Man In The Iron Mask Award HERE