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A Bit About Me

As the header says, this is a bit about me. Now who exactly is ME? My name is Charlotte MacCuish, I'm 22 yrs old and I have just moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia from a little place called Homeville which is on Cape Breton Island. Cape Breton is (IMHO the Best) part of the Province of Nova Scotia which is on the east coast of Canada. Halifax is second best. I graduated in May of 1998 from the University College of Cape Breton with a four year history degree and a certificate in heritage studies. I've been accepted into a costume studies program at Dalhousie University, where I start classes early in September.

I have a number of interests, Star Trek obviously being one of them, but I'll talk about that later. One of the great joys in my life is reading and if you will check out my page of Non-Trek links you will find some of my favorite authors. I read science fiction and fantasy but don't limit myself to one genre. I love historical novels, biographies and some classics. One of my all time favorites is Louisa May Alcott's LITTLE WOMEN, even though it is supposedly for "young readers". (I read it for the first time at about age 8 or 9). The next time you are looking for a good read, try it. As well, if you're looking for some sf/f to try, read some David Eddings, Anne McAffrey, Mercedes Lackey, and Piers Anthony (all are mostly fantasy).

This web page is an outgrowth of my love for the phenomenon of Star Trek. I first became a trekkie (or trekker, take your pick) at about age eight when I was introduced to reruns of TOS by my parents. They really aren't big fans but they thought that my brother (who is a year older than me) and I would enjoy it especially because we both have vivid imaginations and were very interested in outer space. Star Trek quickly became a way of life for us even though my brother was initially more interested than me. I don't know how many times our backyard became the site of another landing party adventure for Captain Kirk and his intrepid crew. My interest in Star Trek waned during my early teen years, but was re-awakened by Star Trek: TNG. Ever since it premiered I have again been a trekkie, even during the 2 and 1/2 years where I didn't see TNG because we didn't have cable. Since that time my interest has grown, and while I know I'm definately not among the most fanatical trekkies, I still love the show in all of its incarnations. I was first inspired to begin this page when I was surfing the web one day. I ran across a number of web pages devoted to the P/T relationship. As I continued to surf from one to the next, I realized that these other P/Ter's were (slightly ab)normal people like me. (I have been a P/Ter since before Bloodfever, however that episode really made me dedicated, I think that they are made for each other. P/T Forever!) These other pages made me realize that I could contribute to the world of fandom as well. Initially this page began as a P/T site, but I found that I couldn't keep it from expanding into areas that I hadn't initally planned on. So, I've given up planning where this site is going to go and I am just letting it develop the way it wants to. I'm never sure what will show up here next, so please keep coming back. I also love to get email, so write me and tell me what you think.

