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Charlotte's Favorite Star Trek Links

Revised August 30, 1999

Well, it's been a while since I've been here and I don't have any updates or links. I've been kind of busy since last summer and I'm not sure how much longer this site is going to exist. If you'll really miss it let me know and I'll leave it as is. If not, well I'll be taking it down or doing some serious renovations in the near future.

As you can see from the title, this is a web page of my favorite Star Trek links, as well as a few others. As always, it's under construction so please forgive me if some things don't work. If you happen to find a link that isn't working or if you want to comment , compliment or complain (be nice though, ok?) just email me. So on to the links!

The New Links

Paris/Torres Pages

Voyager Links - Updated June 16/98

Deep Space Nine Links - Updated June 16/98

Trek of All Kinds - Updated June 16/98
Reviews, Ratings, and Nitpicking!
Fan Fiction
Non-Trek Links

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Copyright Information

Paramount owns Star Trek, Tom and B'Elanna, Voyager, and everything else associated with the Star Trek Universe. In creating this page I do not mean to infringe on Paramount's copyright, nor am I making money from it. This page is intended for fan enjoyment.

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