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Hi everyone, this is the first piece of fanfic that I've ever written and it's taken me three weeks to get up enough nerve to post it anywhere, even if it is only on my own page. Please read it and tell me if it is worth posting anywhere else. Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated. Even an e-mail telling me that you read it and thought it sucked or was ok would make it worth my while. Please tell me if I should keep writing or go back to lurking and reading.

Classification: ST: Voy (P/T)If you don't like P/T, STOP READING!!

Disclaimer: Paramount and Viacom are God. They own all things Trek, I've just borrowed two of my favorite characters for a while and let them have some fun. Please don't sue me, I'm just a poor university student.


Paris, My Love

A misty rain fell out of the sky, wrapping everything she could see in shimmering clouds. It had been over 6 months since Voyager had made it home after 4 years in the Delta Quadrant. It had also been 6 months since she had seen him, after the homecoming that was not so joyous for some as it had been for others.

Harry had found Libby, she had waited for him, never once believing he was really gone, they had taken a long trip together and were planning a wedding for early next year. Captain Janeway had visited Mark, and met his wife of two years. She actually thought that the Captain was very relieved, now that she wouldn't have to make a choice between her past and her present. The Captain and Chakotay were very happy together, even if they thought that their crew was still in the dark about their relationship. She and Tom had been planning to disillusion the lovebirds, but then the wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant had been found and they were home in only three short weeks.

Then everyone was gone, no longer a crew, no longer a family. Voyager was undergoing a refit, and people were busy finding family and friends and having the reunions that most had come to think were only ever going to happen in dreams. Except for her and a few others who really had no one to come home to.

They had stuck together for a while, but had slowly drifted apart as time passed. She didn't even have Tom, because she had sent him away shortly after their return home. She would get messages regularly, letting her know that he was still there and still thinking of her. The last time they had seen each other had been after the senior staff debriefing.


They were walking down one of the many corridors of Starfleet Headquarters, talking quietly amongst themselves about what they were going to do now. As a group, they had requested reassignment to Voyager and their wish had been granted. However, they were all free on shore leave for the next 9 months while the ship underwent a complete refit.

The Captain asked "Well, what is everyone going to do for the next 9 months?" Tuvok replied that he was taking the next shuttle to Vulcan to be with his family, Harry beamed and said "Libby and I are going somewhere together, we're not sure where yet though", Chakotay said that he was going to visit his family and relax and then asked "What are you going to Captain?" Janeway responded "Visit home, have long walks and drink lots of coffee." On that lighthearted note, they reached the transporter room where they would all separate for their individual destinations. Harry said "what about you two, where are you going?" B'Elanna replied "I'm not sure Harry, I really don't know" while Tom just smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

Tom and B'Elanna were the last to leave, less by accident than by design. After everyone had gone, Tom looked over and said, very quietly, "I think we need to talk".

"All right", said B'Elanna, "but not here and not now".

"But when, B'ella?"

She replied, "I don't know Tom, I really need to think before we can talk. Just three weeks ago we were still in the Delta Quadrant and everything was fine. I thought that we would be there for a long time, that we would have a chance to build something that could last before we got home. But now I just don't know."

"Will you stay in touch?" Tom asked, with such a puppy-dog look that B'Elanna couldn't say no. "Of course I will Tom" she answered, "but now I have to go."


The sidewalk cafe where she sat was empty, probably because of the rain. She could barely see the Eiffel Tower through the mist but she wouldn't move. She had been waiting for him since the morning, even though he wouldn't be there for hours. Every time she heard footsteps she looked to see if it was him but it never was. What would it be like to see him again after such a long time, on Voyager they had never been apart longer that a day or two at a time, especially not once they began dating seriously. But it had taken her 6 months and it seemed like hundreds of messages to realize what she really wanted, what he had wanted all along. After he had discovered that she had never been there, he had asked her to meet him here in Paris, they were going to go to the real Sandrine's later, to meet Harry and Libby.

Lost in her thoughts, she hadn't seen or heard him walk up behind her. The mist seemed to clear suddenly as she felt his arms wrap around her and his voice in her ear, saying "Welcome to Paris, my love".


Charlotte MacCuish

Well folks, that's it, I know it's short but please, please, please, give me feedback, please, please, please.
