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Lyric trilogies

Tori Amos' "Winter" inspired me to write a P/T story, which eventually turned into a trilogy, then I wrote a second trilogy.

A note: In each trilogy, the first story is Paris/Torres, the second is Carey/Wildman and the third is Janeway/Chakotay. Each story can be considered separate in itself, however.

The "Winter" trilogy:

Snowy Kessik Mornings (Winter) - the original story
Mirror, Mirror
The Ice Queen (Not written yet)

The "Circle in the Sand" trilogy:

Some Things Are Forever
The Heart of Me
Neverending Love

A note regarding "Snowy Kessik Mornings": To the K/Ters who threw fits and accused me of copying Jessa5's "Winter" story, I didn't. We just used the same song and unknowingly had the same idea. Who knows, maybe we're psychically connected. :)

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