Garfields History
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Garfield was born on June 19, 1978 in Mama Leone's kitchen (Italian restaurant). He weighed 5 pounds 6 ounces (thats really big for a kitten) and ever since then he loved Italian food. The restaurant owner was forced to choose between Garfield and closing his doors for lack of pasta so he sold Garfield to a pet store. Garfield thought he was a goner until Jon Arbuckle walked in the door.
On August 7, 1978 Lyman appeared on Jon's doorstep and said, "I'm cold. I'm hungry. I'm weak. Take me in!" And Jon let him stay, but Lyman had brought a dog. The dog's name was Odie. Then he disappeared on some unknown day and left Odie behind and he never came back (sounds like a case for the X-Files).
On October 10, 1978 Garfield found Pooky.
On November 6, 1978 Garfield started having nap attacks.
On March 26, 1979 Garfield became the Caped Avenger who searches out evil wherever it may lurk... the late-morning evil that is.
On May 14, 1979 Garfield's stomach finally outgrew his legs.
On June 6, 1979 was the first appearance of Irma the waitress.
On June 26, 1979 was the first appearance of Liz the vet(Liz isn't short for Elizabeth, it's short for Lizard!).
On September 3, 1979 Garfield first met Nermal the world's cutest kitten. Garfield says "He's cute... and I hate 'cute'."
On March 30, 1980 was Garfield's first cat show.