About Me...Super Chux
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About Me...Super Chux

Hi my name is Super Chux and your here because you clicked this link by mistake...go...go...g o....g o... before its too late or maybe your here because *gasp* you want to know more about me! I hope so ehehhe...

My *real* name is Jennifer Lee and i live in Sydney Australia...a great place to be. I'm 15 and i enjoy a wide array of things from music to playing piano (complete lie heheh) to dancing on a deserted beach at midnight...


Just thought you might wanna know
Sex: Female (well duh)
Height: 165cm
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: brown
Race: 1/4 Russian 3/4 Chinese


Well I haven't really achieved much that i can put in writing but i am a BLACK belt in karate so WATCH out... What else i'm in year 10 and go to an all girls school...

I really don't know what else to write...

My FAVOURITE things:

Colour= Purple
Food= Mango
Animal= My gorgeous doggie Max!
Actor= Umm i have too many to mention
Singer= Whitney Houston
Number= 7
Game= um...
Place to be= asleep in my warm cosy bed... ZzzZzzzZzzZZzzz
Emotion= Happines
Motto (mine)= if its good, it's good if it isn't its CRAP
TV Shows= Simpsons, X-files, FRIENDS, Seinfield, the naked truth, lots more
Flower= Violet or Sunflowers
Songs= I have heaps but right now MIB and I'll be missing you
Um ok i've run out of things to put on this page oh yes my family!!


I have on Annoying Pesty Brother called Alex whose 8 and really short and skinny! Um a mum and dad that are OK sometimes


You can message me using ICQ: my UIN is 2398731 (SUPERCHUX=-) if you don't have ICQ get it at ICQ . WARINING it crashes quite a bit but its qutie good, i'd give it a 7/10 and its FREE!!!

Well thats all folks thanks for tunning in.... hehe I will put more on this page as more comes to me... Be sure to sign my guestbook please and if you HAVE or KNOW of a COOL CARTOON site submit it to My Chux's Award for Cartoon Excellence section THANKS cu...

Oh yes please vote for me as a starting point HOT SITE i would really appreciate it (only if you think i deserve it) just GO HERE and click on the Graphic thanks!