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~Awareness of We~

Two individuals embark upon a journey of multiculturalism,
Their attention was to experience each others culture.
And their love would help provide a consistent connection.
They would become an example of understanding cultural differences.
However, a test for two hearts became a legal document,
An obstacle that required an understading of individual cultures.

Separation, devastation, humiliation and sadness,
Were the basis of personal struggles.
Instead, hearts were torn apart for lack of understanding.
And the needs of two loving hearts,
Were ignored for the sake of significant others.
The fate of two unique caring individuals ended tragically,
A tragedy that could have been avoided in the beginning,
With communication and sensitivity to cultural awareness.

The key to understanding different cultures lies in appreciation,
An appreciation for the elements of culture in a heterogeneous society.
To generalize that all cultures are the same is dangerous,
An instead of two loving hearts joined in holy matrimony.
All that was left were two individuals in separate cultures.
Tears, heartfelt pain, remorse and unhappiness...elements of a broken heart. Where cultural identities should be considered and respected.
Our role as homo sapiens are to expand our awareness,
Knowledge, and skills to recognize the influence of culture.
If we choose not to recognize the influence of culture,
Our interactions will be limited and minimal.

Both individual needs and cultural values are necessary,
In determining the way we think, feel and act.
Unless we participate in the process of cultural understanding,
We shall not become fully humanized, and lacking potential.
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power,
And of love, and of sound mind." 2Timothy 1:7

by starhoku

~G's Circles (Image © 1998 Majeed Images)


~whisper softly ciao baby~

May 18, 1998


Just for you!

You are Kindred Spirit