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~The Great Escape~

Inevitably, we look upon death as we are borne into life,
We decide to avoid the issue of our own demise.
Subconscioulsly, psychologically, and culturally, death is taboo.
Unequivocally, linked to the phenomenon of life.

Persistently, embracing the Biblical belief of life after death,
We believe there is more to death then dying, The Great Escape.
Yet within the physical realm of our understanding with its limitations,
We struggle to hold on to the material things binding our wordly existence.

Remarkable is the passage of Love Ones to a higher level of consciousness,
Where the soul of one so special emerges more beautiful,
A stronger fuller spiritual body eternally free to be free.
Communication becomes pure thought and no need for spoken words.

Into this realm of heavenly bodies, acceptance reigns supreme,
As Guardian spirits are summoned ready to guide the souls of all,
Not alone, and engulfed by the presence of an undeniable brilliance
A wonderous timeless journey begins the ultimate liberation of reality.

by starhoku

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~World Peace~

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You are Kindred Spirit

September 5, 1998