Smurf Adventures
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Smurf Adventures

---Bigmouth's Friend---
Bigmouth is a big ogre who just wants a friend, but everyone is afraid of him. Even Gargamel tells him to get lost. While all of this is going on Handy makes a voice box for Clockwork Smurf who is at the King's Palace. He takes the Smurflings with him, but Clockwork has already left. Clockwork and Bigmouth meet and became friends, because they are both different. So Handy and the Smurflings stay with the king in his palace. Unfortunately, Gargamel and another bad guy who want Clockwork build there own barrel-like robot and ride inside of it right towards the castle. Sassette escapes from the palace and tells Papa Smurf about the problem. Papa and Clockwork fly to the palace on a bird, and Bigmouth follows them. When they get to the castle, Bigmouth destroys the robot, because he loves his friend Clockwork. After Handy puts the voice box in Clockwork, he says his first word, "hi".

---Wild and Wooly---
"I'm gonna rustle up some wool so you smurfs will have some warm duds," says Wooly Smurf. Wooly is going to get some wool from the sheep and Papa once again recommends that the Smurflings go along. Gargamel finds out and makes a sheep suit for Azrael and himself. The sheep dog chases Azrael and a wolf chases Gargamel. The smurfs are caught by the sheepherder's son who is watching the sheep. The smurfs promise to get all of the sheep back that ran away during the chaos. The sheepherder won't let the smurfs have their wool for smurferries, so the smurfs have to use Papa Smurf's magic kit. Wooly reads a spell that turns the smurfberries to gold, and the sheepherder is happy to trade the golden berries for some wool.

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