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Now we are ready to Paste into the HTML Document. Open Windows "Notepad" and go to "Open". See where it says File Type "Text Document" Click the little down arrow to the right and select "All File Types". And enter the HTML Document you want to edit. ( See below example )

Next we will paste it into our HTML Document. After you have the document open, I try to look for something like a GIF file so that I can get my bearings and paste just above or below it !
Hint The last two lines ALWAYS look like this.
Anywhere above this will be good .
Click where you want the "Circle of the Wolf", Table to go and hit Control +V or go to edit paste
( Major hint here. Go to SAVE AS and add something behind it example : you see that I have opened "Index2.html" it used to be "index.html"but, if I had messed up I could have destroyed the Original !!!) You must add .html or .htm or Notepad will save as .txt by default.