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1. Lemin Li, Caijun Hu, and Pu Liu, "Maximum Throughput of an Input Queueing Packet Switch with Two Priority Classes", IEEE Tran. on Communications, vol.42, No.12, December 1994.

2. Caijun Hu, "Cassette Tape Graphics Technology and its ASIC Design", Application Technology of Accoustics, vol.5, 1994.

3. Caijun Hu, Lemin Li, "A Study on Performance of Output Queueing Fast Packet Switch with Priority Classes", Acta Electronica Sinica, vol.21, No.4, 1993.

4. Caijun Hu, "Analytic Solution of Video/Voice Integration Performances", J. of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, vol.21, No.1, 1992.

5. Caijun Hu, Lemin Li, "Queueing Analysis of a Packet Video/Voice/Data Integration Communication System by Fluid-Flow Method", Acta Electronica Sinica, vol.19, No.6, 1991.

6. Caijun Hu, Lemin Li, "Queueing Analysis of a Packet Video/Voice Integration Communication System", J. of China Institute of Communication, vol.12, No.4, 1991.

7. Caijun Hu, Lemin Li, "The Queueing Performance Analysis of Integrated Video/Voice/Data Packet Communication System in MAN", The 5th National Conference on Data Communications, Chengdu, 1990.

8. Caijun Hu, Lemin Li, "The Integrated Services Analysis of the Knock-out Switch", The Second Telecommunication Conference of the Chinese Youth, 1991.

9. Caijun Hu, Hongjun Wei, Ke Zhang, "Compression Coding and Realization of Electrocardiogram Signal without Distortion by using Sub-optimal Coding", Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, vol.19, No.2, 1990.

10. Caijun Hu, Hongjun Wei, Ke Zhang, "Compression Coding of Electrocardiogram Signal without Distortion", Acta Electronica Sinica, vol.17, No.6, 1989.

11. Caijun Hu etc, "Design of the Operating System of a Special Microcomputer both for General and Special Application", Conferences of Application Research of Computers, 1988.

12. Caijun Hu etc., "Hardware Design of a Microcomputer both for General and Special Application", Application Research of Computers, vol.5, No.6, 1988.

13. Caijun Hu, Shangqin Chen, Hongjun Wei, "Study of the Methods and Algorithms of Arrhythmia Analyzing", Journal of Biomedical Engineering, vol.5, No.4, 1988.

14. Caijun Hu, Shangqin Chen, Hongjun Wei, "Segmental Filter and Some Algorithms of a Local Ordinate Transform in ECG Recognition", Journal of Biomedical Engineering, vol.5, No.2, 1988.

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