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Brick Spacing Bar

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A Brief History Of The English Coffee Scene!

I Could Present You With A Brief History Of French Or Italian Coffee However The English Story Is Far More Amusing. As Early As 1657 Coffee Advertisement In England Stated, "Very Wholsom & Physical Drink, With Excellent Vertues, Closes Orifice Of The Stomak, Fortifies The Heat Within, Good Against Eye-Sores, Coughs, Colds, Rhumes, Consumption, Head-Ach, Dropsie, Gout, Scurvy, Kings Evil & Other Medical Ailments. Penned The Cure-All Of All Time.

In 1674 English Coffee Houses Barred Women From Entering. Women Then Petitioned Against The English Coffee Houses With Claims That The Consumption Of Coffee Made Men Unfruitful As The Desert Where The Berry Is Said To Have Been Purchased & Further Threatened The Human Race With Extinction. At This Time Englands King Charles II Spoke Against Coffee Houses Believing Them To Be "Seminaries Of Sedition". Penned The "Penny Universities" (the cost of a penny to enter). These Houses Fostered Radical Discussions Of Democracy.

In 1676 King Charles Issued A Proclamation Ordering The Closing Of All Coffee Houses Beginning January 10, 1676. However Before The Houses Where To Close The Public Outcry Forced The King To Revoke The Proclamation. Later, English Historians Were To Claim This As One Of The Very First Victories For Free Speech In England. Attendance At Coffee Houses Then Grew & By The End Of The Seventeenth Century There Were Nearly Two Thousand Coffee Houses In London Alone.

Edward Lloyd's Coffee House In 1688 Was The Meeting Place For Sea Farers & Merchants. For His Customers Convenience Lloyd Began To Keep Listings Of Ships & Their Cargo & Schedules Of When They Had Left & Which Needed To Purchase Insurance. Underwriters Then Came To Sell Insurance & Merchants Came To Learn The Whereabouts Of A Particular Ship & It's Cargo. Thus Began The Lloyd's Of Londons Institutions. Lloyd's Insurance Company & Lloyd's Register Of Shipping. Thus, The Coffee Bean Has Played A Major Role In History Throughout The World.

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Contact Information Please Contact Web Site Manager Carol L. Baker For Further Information On These Superior Imported Machines & Coffee Machine Services. You May Also Phone Or Write To The Address & Phone Number Below.

Brick Spacing Bar

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Samuel Gonzalez
7 West 41st. Avenue
San Mateo, CA. 94403
Phone: 650 596-8563

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