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Brick Spacing Bar

Below are some of best and most popular espresso and coffee related recipes for food and drinks. You may print-out this page of recipes if you wish.

coffee recipes for food and drinks

Directory Of Espresso And Coffee Recipes

Basic Recipes

Small Coffee Cup Basic Espresso

Dose A Small Filter With Fresh Ground Coffee Or A Large Filter With Two Doses, Attach To A Group Head Or Press The 1 Or 2 Cup Button For A Semi Automatic Machine. 1 Cup=18 Seconds, 2 Cups=22 Seconds Of Water Infusion. Pour Into Demitasse Cups.

Small Coffee Cup Basic Cappuccino

While Preparing The Basic Espresso, Froth Milk To Yield Aprroximately 1 Cup Of Milk Foam. Pour Espresso Into A 6oz. Cup And Fill The Cup To The Brim With The Frothed Milk. Sprinkle With Powered Cocoa Or Cinnamon.

Small Coffee CupBasic Latte

Froth Milk To Fill A 10oz. Latte Mug. Make The Basic Espresso Recipe. Pour The Frothed Milk Into The Inner Edges Of The Mug. Layer Milk At The Bottom, Espresso In The Middle & A Generous Amount Of Foam On The Top.

Small Coffee Cup Basic Hot Chocolate

Combine 4 tsp. Of Chocolate Powder With 8 To 10oz. Of Milk. Steam The Chocolate Milk Mixture Until Near Boiling, Pour Into Mug & Top With The Remaining Froth Using A Spoon.

Coffee Food Recipes

Small Coffee Cup Espresso Meat Loaf

Try Adding A Hearty Shot Of Espresso Coffee Into Your Meatloaf Mixture. It Adds A Wonderful Full Bodied Favor.

Small Coffee Cup Coffee Meat Rub

Before Grilling Beef Rub Your Slab Of Meat With Coffee Grounds For A Great Tasting Treat.

Small Coffee Cup Coffee Wine Pork Chops

6 Pork Chops, 3 Tablespoons Olive Oil, 3 Diced Cloves Of Garlic, 2 Teaspoons Of Minced Parsley, 1/2 Cup Red Wine, 1/2 Cup Strong Black Coffee, 3 Tablespoons Honey, 1/4 Teaspoon Salt, 1/4 Teaspoon Pepper, Juice From One Lemon. Marinate The Chops In The Mixture Overnight - Turning Once. Brown Chops In A Frying Pan. Bake Covered In A 350 Oven For 30 - 35 Minutes Until Done.

Coffee Syrups, Extracts & Liquers

Small Coffee Cup Black Coffee Syrup

Ingredience: 1 Cup Extra Strong Black Coffee, 1 Cup Granulated Sugar. Place In A Saucepan, Bring To A Boil, Then Reduce Heat To Simmer 5 Minutes. Cool & Store In A Tightly Sealed Container In The Frig. Use As An Ice Cream Topper, In Milkshakes, Or Other Drinks.

Small Coffee Cup Coffee Extract

Within The Coffee Growing Areas Of Mexico, The People Produce Their Own Coffee Extract To Be Used In Cooking Recipes & Coffee Related Drinks. Soak Fresh Ground Coffee In Cold Water & Let Stand For 3 To 4 Days - Strain Into Decorative Bottles.

Small Coffee Cup Coffee Liqueur

Bring To A Boil 4 Cups Of Water, Stir In 4 Cups Of Sugar, Continue Cooking Until The Sugar Completely Dissolves, Add 2 Ounces Of Instant Coffee, Bring To A Simmer - Do Not Boil - Until The Coffee Is Dissolved. Place A Whole Vanilla Bean Into A Gallon Jug. Place Within The Jug Also - A Fifth Of Bourbon, & The Coffee Mixture. Cap & Let Set For 30 Days. Pour Into Decorative Bottles. Makes A Great Personalized Gift!

Fancy Drinks

Small Coffee Cup Coffee Soda

Ingredience: 1/2 Cup Of Coffee, Ice Cubes & 1/4 Carbonated Water Or Cola, A Strip Of Lemon Or Lime. Pour The Coffee Over The Ice, Add The Carbonated Water Or Cola. Garnish With The Lemon Or Lime Strip.

Small Coffee Cup Chocolate Orange Espresso

Squeeze The Juice From One Medium Orange Into A Large Coffee Mug, Place Two Squares Of Semi-Sweet Chocolate Into The Mug, Pour Hot Dark Roasted Coffee Over The Chocolate Squares To Melt Them. Add Two Shots Of Espresso & Fill The Mug To The Top With More Dark Roasted Coffee.

Small Coffee Cup Irish Coffee

A Classic Irish Drink! Ingrediance: 1 Teaspoon Sugar, 1 Jigger Of Irish Whiskey, 2/3 Cup Dark Roasted Coffee, 1/4 Cup Heavy Cream Whipped Lightly. Preheat A Glass Mug With Hot Water, Remove The Water - Fill With Hot Coffee, Add The Sugar & Stir. Add The Whiskey & Top With Lightly Whipped Cream.

Small Coffee Cup Mexican Coffee

For Each Cup Add: 1 Cinnamon Stick, 1 Tablespoon Brown Sugar, 1 Heaping Tablespoon Ground Coffee Beans, 1 Cup Water & Whipped Cream. Place Cinnamon, Sugar & Water Into A Saucepan. Bring To A Boil Slowly, Remover From Heat & Drop In The Coffee. Strain Into Cups & Add A Whipped Cream Topping.

Small Coffee Cup Raspberry Avalanche

Ingredience: Sweet White Chocolate Powder, 1 Shot Of Espresso, Steamed Milk, Raspberry Syrup & Whipping Cream. Steam The Milk & Prepare The Espresso, Put The Chocolate, A Shot Of Espresso & The Raspberry Syrup Into A Coffee Cup & Stir Until Throughly Blended, Add The Milk & Stir. Top With Whipping Cream.

Small Coffee Cup Spiced Latte

Ingredience To Taste: Honey, Vanilla Extract, Ground Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Espresso & Milk. Brew The Espresso & Steam The Milk, Lace The Bottom Of A Coffee Mug With The Honey, Add 1/2 As Much Vanilla, Add Cinnamon & Nutmeg To Taste. Pour In Steamed Milk & Stir Lightly.

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Contact Information Please Contact Web Site Manager Carol L. Baker For Further Information On These Superior Imported Machines & Coffee Machine Services. You May Also Phone Or Write To The Address & Phone Number Below.

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Samuel Gonzalez
7 West 41st. Avenue
San Mateo, CA. 94403
Phone: 650 596-8563

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