Hi kids! You've been watching your share of Late Night with Conan O'Brien, haven't you? If not, you should- it stars a very charming young man named Conan O'Brien (who wrote the "Monorail" episode of The Simpsons) and his wonderful sidekick, Andy Richter (the dancing guy in "Cabin Boy"). It also includes Max Weinberg (who played in that whole E Street Band deal) and his fabulous Max Weinberg Seven.
Hmmm... I'm assuming you probably know all of that, so... let's move on.
The Conan O'Brien Mailing List-Join my FREE Conan O'Brien mailing list where you can discuss Late Night with fellow viewers!
You Know You Watch Too Much Conan When-The title explains itself.
They Think I'm Pissing Them Off!-My bitchings to NBC.
Okay, I haven't been working on my web page at all lately, so you're unlikely to find anything here. Actually, I haven't wathed Conan for a few days already. I guess I better warm up that VCR. As for the Conan Lovers Discussion List, it's dead for now, but I'll resurrect it in a month or so, when I can actually write while I'm watching. Till then, just entertain yourself with the links I put in.
January 19, 1999
It's been awhile since I've been back to the ol' html-ing board, and I must say I've kinda missed it. I must admit however, there wasn't much to fix.
Uh, why don't you kids take a look at my little Conan that I adopted?
October 19, 1998
It's been a long long while since I even touched my page. I did, however, get an award:
Lucky me. The Conan Lovers Discussion List currently has 20 members.
September 12, 1998
The Conan Lovers Discussion List has about 18 members now.
School started, and I'm falling apart already. I haven't done a review for awhile, since I haven't seen much of the show. I've begun taping shows, but I forgot to last night... damn me.
I'm part of the Conan O'brien webring now. Maybe I'll start getting a decent amount of hits.
August 1, 1998:
The Conan Lovers Discussion List has about 12 members now. That's obviously nothing to brag about, but perhaps pity will get you to subscribe.
I added the S.O.C.S. banner to my site. Please visit if you already haven't!
July 17, 1998:
Can you believe it's been a whole year since I put this page up?
Actually, the birthdate of this page is unknown. What I do know is that it was created sometime this month. Last year, of course.
My counter was RESET!! Isn't that an asspain?!
Trixie's Tea-thing -Where I got my cute little blacktie Conan.
The Church of Late Night... -It started with an Irishman's dream.... What it became was a new religion
Andy Richter's Firearms Emporium and Merchantile
Nee-Ha! The best thing since sliced bread... unless you count sliced meat, that was a good idea, too).
NBC's Late Night page -The rulers who betray us
Late Night with Conan O'Brien Purity Test- yes, kids, it scares me, too....
This Conan O'Brien Ring
site is owned by Want to join the Conan O'Brien webring? |