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Bitching and Complaining to NBC

Oops, _kerny_ doesn't have a disclaimer... oh NO! Off I go in a handbasket...

Wait a minute... NBC can't take my page away from me. That's what they've threatened to do to some people. Why? I'm not entirely sure. Maybe those NBC execs don't want their page to look bad. It doesn't, if you ask me. But it's no reason to take away our beautiful works of art that we've spent so much time on.

Do they think we're making money off of this? God, I sometimes wish I did. It's time consuming, it's frustrating, and requires computer skills that took months to learn, which I otherwise could have easily lived without.

They have nothing to complain about. It's publicity. Free publicity!

NBC, I want you to find me. I want you to come and threaten to beat the crap out of me for putting this page up. You can, but you have no right. In the words of a friend of mine... You want me? Come and find me... I'll be waiting with a gun and a pack of sandwiches.

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