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What is FRIENDS about?

So, what is exactly is "Friends" about, you might be wondering?

Well,i NBC" Press Release in the Fall of 1994, they introduced the friends as:

At the center of the group is Monica, a bright women with a knack for meeting the wrong men. An assistant chef at an uptown restaurant, she has to work for everything-unlike Rachel, her pampered friend from high school.

As Monica's new room mate, Rachel is embarking a life of independence, after leaving her fiance at the alter.

Monica's older brother Ross, was thrust into bachelorhood when his wife announced she was a lesbian and left him for another woman.A hopeless romantic,he misses married life, and feels there might only be one womanrn for him.

Across the hall from Monica are Chandler and Joey.

Chandler, a wry observer of everyone's life,is romantically detatched and professionally unmotivated.

Joey, a struggling actor,is more passionate about life. He loves everything, women, sports, New York, and most of all homself/

Rounding out the circle of friends is Phoebe, monica's former room mate.Phoebe, an offbeat,eternally optimistic waif.

I know thats not that creative, but hey, its midnight, and I'm tired. I'll be creative some other time.

