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Frieda was a cowgirl that the boys knew well
If they ever kissed her, they never did tell
Her skin was like leather, her hair like wool
When she got angry, she was a bull
But ride a horse, oh, that she could
Chasin' li'l doggies, you knew she was good
She loved tobacco, that woman could chew,
If you got her mad, she'd spit it at you
She could hit a body from ten feet away,
At least that's what some folks say
She never really did settle down,
'Though she had a couple men hangin' 'round
Folks say she wasn't a lady,
I know she once had a baby
A beautiful girl with long brown hair,
They say her beauty, there was none to compare
To Frieda her daughter was a source of pride
Until the day old Frieda died.

-Kate Kenin

Copyright©1999 Kenin publishing All rights reserved including the right to reproduce this Story or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.
