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Our Personal Background

A bit about us

This is a perfect picture of us!

E.J. is represented by Tigger and Clarisse is Eore. E.J. is always raring to go get into some kind of mischief, and, as is Eore, Clarisse is more content with the status quo. The mix is good for both of us.

We accidently got together in 1984 and since it works, we have stuck together, raised 2 kids and several animals.

We live in a small 2 bedroom log home in Mountain Ranch, California. It's way out in the country of the Sierra Nevada Foothills. At about 2000 feet elevation we'll get a dusting of snow a few times a year. The property is next to Cave City, a very large cavern, open for public tours spring thru fall. It's beautiful country.

Our children are both young adults and on their own now. Our son Chris, works for Gateway Computers and lives in Kansas City, Missouri. He is a very talented artist, with little confidence in his abilities (the curse of generation x), but also lives, oops loves, computers too. Our daughter, Becca, is a Certified Nurses Aide/Home Health Aide and provides in home care to several elderly people. Her home is in Twain Harte, California, the gateway to the mountain paradise of the Sierra Nevada. Her fiance is operating a business for guided hiking, gold panning and crystal digging trips called Mother Lode Guiding. If you have the chance, check out their website! We are very proud of our children and like to brag about them!

We now share our home with 2 cats and an iguana (that's inside). Outside, we have 2 more cats, 2 large dogs and 11 chickens, (I never thought I would really like birds, but I really do), 2 Netherland Dwarf bunny rabbits and our latest addition of 2 billy goats! We plan to train the goats for back packing trips but we have to wait a year before they can carry any weight. In the meantime we are enjoying the heck out of them. If you have the yard to accommodate goats, I heartily encourage you to get some. Their personalities are like a cross between a cat and a dog. Independent and loyal at the same time. They love to play and romp and jump up on things and be loved on. Yup, we love our goats!

I've been asked a few times about naming all those animals, so here goes:

Cats - Whispers, Bella, Runt, Merlin, Buddy
Iguana - Whippet
Dogs - Auggie Doggie, Scoobie Do
Rabbits - Casey and Lyndsey (after my nieces)
Chickens - Dumplings, Noodles, Curry, Chow, Mein, Stew, Fajita, Casserole, Pie, Garlic, & Salsa (all chicken dishes of course :)
Goats - Guiness and Zinfandel (Zin for short) cuz they get to carry the libations when we go back packing :)

Wonderful News! We are now the proud Grandparents of Alexander William Boyett! The link has some photo's of our new little bundle of love and joy!

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Hilltop Blues.....© 1997, Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions Inc.

Last Updated April 6, 1999 by Clarisse