Of our forgotten youth
Walking along gold-paved roads
My heart swells, full of apathy
Apathy of life, of love, and of friends
Of waking up one more day in my dreadful life
I'm forever cursed to be alone
Never to feel love's sweet embrace
I'm falling fast, I'm falling deep
Falling, falling into the dark abyss
Burning your eyes while staring at the sun
Not caring if you lived or die
Hissing and spitting at the ones we care about
While watching clouds go by
I'm falling fast, falling numb
Forever falling, falling into the dep dark abyss
Blurred adges of reality greet me
Shotguns shooting confetti
I laugh with old friends
Reminising of times long gone
The anger of my soul consumes me
The emptiness of me is deafining
The blinking lights say hello
To the great mystery of lives long past
I'm falling fast, falling hard
Always falling. Falling into my abyss
The vines of government grab us
Permanently snared in it's clutches
Thorns pierce us deep within our souls
The vines laugh as we struggle
Our fleshy underbelly shown for all to see
Offers of movie deals and cheap suits await
We drift in limbo. forever frozen in time
Star gazing while crying of spoiled youth
I'm falling fast, falling soft
Never falling. Falling into your abyss
Firecracker smiles and paid spokespersons
Jukeboxes playing bad music
Hanging by a thread dancing atop a pin cussion
Whiskers drooping, always laughing
I sit back in my easy chair and listen to my storys of lore
Giggleing at my carelessness keeping abreast my actions
Fireflies dance in the warm summer night
Not caring who sees them
My wings carry me up into the night
Wide-eyed and smileing, still hoping...oh still hoping
To find a love to call my own but for now, who cares?
All that matters is the space ahead of me