Ramble, ramble all the day through
I am forsaken I scream into the night
Alone as I wash up on the shore
Screaming into the night he
Shouts all his hopes and dreams to
Anyone who'll listen eyes blank
As he drifts into his memorys of her
So fragile, so new, so..................so perfect
Honey drenched lips kiss me so softly
Like a warm breeze is her breathing
I become her, she becomes me
Damned, I scream back at my thoughts
Of lies, of hate, of scorn, of cheapness
Outraged by my outburst I run away to quench
My Godlike agresion. I consume me like a fire
Pilage, ravege, ravenge, plight, and destroy....
I cower before my shame and weep
Staring at my empty hands, I stare blankly
Amist the shaking of heads of all who doubted me
Condemned, I banish all fear
Fear of lonelyness, fear of dying
Chin high and teary eyed I bid my farewell
Farewell to all I loved and hated, neverr to return