...story's end
....and as the boat saild away, the boy standing on the deck waves goodbye. But not to his mother, not to his father, but past them, to his love, a blue-eyed girl. His mind is flooded with memorys of him and of her. Of summers spent under a sycamore tree, with glasses of lemonade, in each other's arms. Dreams of winter, Christmas, of chasing after around the largest pine tree in the forest, hearing the new fallen snow crunch under their feet. And when Scarlett Fever nearly killed her, he knew, that if she died, his love would die also. And so now he sails away waving, he sees her mouth the same words as him "...goodbye" Again the memorys come back, this time bringing more along, he fights back the tears and whipers "Farewell my love, I'll miss you" as her face fades into the waving crowd, lost forever........
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