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If anyone has ever been to any Hanson concert please give the details on your experiance..some of u(like me) have seen *1* concert...we need details on others!!

I wanted to put in my experiance at Psycho Blast... When we got was like 1 in the afternoon so we went to the International Showplace where Psycho Blast was supposed to be...apparently we were wrong...We got sidetracked and so we got into the Kingswood area at about 1:30...and i was stuck with the only goood seats being at the end of the first section. the seats around me were empty for a litttle while but after a bit of time they started filling up. i got one of the green Hanson shirts..The camera was right beside us too!!! I met some people and we talked, we had continual shirking for HANSON!!! and when 'Uh-oh' the game show they had with people being slimed the big winners got a Hanson something...We couldn't hear anytime someone said Hanson the crowd went nutz!!! the P.J.' s apaently enjoyed taughnting us with that too!!! At around 5:20 they came onto the stage and ran across it!!! THE CROWD WENT NUTZ!!! There was an intervew with one of the P.J.'s before the concert at didn't work for those of us in the audience though...we didn't see it!!!At 7:20 Hanson came out and had a small ?'s and Answers session...The norm...then the usual 'Do you have girlfriends?' happened...then another girl asked Taylor out..he was slightly embarassed...Zac said we took you out we'd have to take everyone out, so can we just play f or you instead?' Zac wasn't heard so ike repeated it...They played six songs...then as the unbelivers left they came out and sang MMMBop accapella!! IT WAS AWSOME!!! Thus ended the 140 dbs copncert...

This is what happened at the June 23 Concert, at the Molson Amphitheatre in Toronto Canada:

When you arrive at the front of the amphitheatre you see a huge line up, and go'O my god...I don't have to wait in THERE do I?' don't...Or at least..we didn't...Then again. We had seats...I pity those who were forced to sit on the lawn. As you walk around you can feel everyone getting more and more hyper...There is a souvenir booth outside, but...half of the stuff is sold...We some relief we learn that we can buy everything inside...I will add a more complete list of souvenirs later but for now this is it: hats-$35, one that is black and says Albertane Tour, other is blue and says Hanson on it. T-shirts-$45-$35, the more expensive shirt is like a fake Addidas shirt, with a picture of Hanson on the front, the other ones had various pictures and one was for the Albertane tour. There was a necklace there that looked vaguely like a backstage pass, that was $25. There was a kitchen that was $8, all that was was a strip that said Hanson on it. There was a life sized poster was from the weird video...that was $15. There was a keychain for $8, and the cheapest thing was a pin for $5, there were 4 to chose from. They finally let us in 2 hours before the concert, in which time you saw all forms of people, from girls with denim jackets with Hanson on it, to younger kids with Spice girls shorts on to the ever zany girls with HANSON painted all over them(i uh...accidently did that *grin*)And cheers for Hanson repeated over and over again...Many times, they were pointless screams, but that makes it more fun...Finally after what seemed like hours in our high up seats Admiral Twin finally came out...I couldn't really tell you how they sounded I'm sorry to say, i was too psyched to see Hanson and there were a couple of Hanson chants going around...I feel horible for doing this now, i know how it is to be up on stage, but I joined in...Admiral Twin...If you guys ever read this...I'M VERY SORRY!!! When Hanson finally came out the crowd went nutz!!! They sang 21 songs...and for the first time you could actually hear zac's Babybird part!!! It was soo cool...they sang(not in order) these songs:

Gimmie some Lovin'(next time they sing that I'm gonna headbang to it!!! *grin*)


Summertime Lovin'

Thinking of you

MMMBop(of course), this time they didn't let us sing by ourselves...I was slightly dissapointed...)


Where's the love

Look at you

I will come to you


Man From Milwaukee

A Minute Without You

My cousin went to see the Montreal was a little smaller and she got closer, but in her words at Zac not singing Lucy(no offence to him, but it is semi true...I don't think he'll ever sing it live)'the coward' was just because he's so shy, she didn't mean anything by it I assure you, just a comment...And most of the 3 Car songs were sung in a small area, they brought out a lamp and a couch was brought out for With you in your Dreams, which was bueatiful, even interrupted by girls' screams(which bugs me...that's my favorite song, if they are going to sing something like that, a song about someone like that dyeing, someone that close, i think that that takes so much courage,those girls almost wreacked it...)AS I was saying, during the regular song they were singing in between four tower like things, with lights going everyone, on the audience(they had a spot light on the audience some times) on them on everything.when they sang Soldier ike says'Now it's time for story time', I almost choked...Ike sang one song, and it was so bueatiful, it's off of Boomerang, it's called 'More then Anything', he sang it by him self on the stage and irt was so bueatiful, i almost starting crying, just like during With you in your dreams...But i won't cry at concerts...It was just too bueatiful.They also sang:


Stories(I have that was sooo cool)

Sometimes(i think)

They sang Weird for an encore(that was cool) At the beginning of the concert Ike was wearing a red shirt(long sleeve) over top of a skin tight short sleeved grey one, Tay was wearing a tourquoise shirt over top of his short sleeved skin tight white shirt with red trim around the shirt sleeves, Zac was wearing a short sleeved grey one. Ike took his red shirt off during the was weird...he is so skinny...Tay took his off too...There were the usual signs...I heard of a sign somewhere behind me in the lawn that said 'Tay, sing if you're horny!!'...When i heard of that i was hopeing it wasn't true...that a little weird...gutsy...but weird.

Stephanie Morgan

Okay, well I went to 2 Hanson concerts: Hershey and the 1st Philadelphia one.

Me and 2 of my friends got to Hershey Stadium at 3:00 because the consierge(sp?) at the hotel we were staying at, The Hershey Lodge,told us so many people were already there and we were afraid we were gonna miss something!! So, when we got there, I bought a bunch of merchandise and we walked around for hours on end, and it was really hot. Around 5:30 or 6:00 Hanson did their soundcheck and people went nuts!! We could see through the gates cause we were outside!! Everyone was sooooo loud, and I'm not a screamer so it was extra loud for me. After Hanson did their soundcheck Admiral Twin did theirs. They did awesome just during that!! I wanna say that if you don't have their CD, order it!!! It's awesome!! Okay, around 6:30 they opened the gates so we could get our seats, FINALLY!!! Our seats were in Section D Row 26, which we thought would be far, but it really wasn't!! They were fairly good seats, we felt special cause we were in the Golden Circle and only people with those tickets could get in to that area. It was blocked off or something, yeah I know it sounds stupid. Anyway, me, my friends, and many other people saw Hanson come out of this trailer thing, and everyone went nuts AGAIN, we all ran over to this blocked off area to get a glimpse of them for a second, and we did. While Hanson was eating dinner and doing their Meet and Greet thing AT came out to us and signed autographs and talked for alittle bit. They r some of the sweetest guys I've met. After an hour and a half, the concert started with AT opening, (duh!) then Hanson!! The show was awesome, I had a blast, but we had to stand on our chairs and that got annoying after awhile, but I was still having fun!! I'm sure everyone has heard about what they played and whatever so I'll just skip that. After the concert, Hanson got in the tour bus and left, we all waited for them to leave, of course!! All in all, it was a great night, and I had a lot of fun!!

Okay, this review won't be as long!! The PHilly concert I went to, in my opinion was alot more fun than Hershey's!! I think it's because Hanson was more animated!! We got there around 6:15 or 6:30 and stood in the pouring rain!!! It was hell standing out there!! They eventually let us in and we found our seats, which I think were better than the one's we had in Hershey!! We weren't on the floor, we were on the level that was risen just enough from the floor. This time we were on Ike's side(I forgot to mention we were on Tay's side in hershey) and we were pretty close. Closer than at the other one even though, like I said, we weren't on the floor. Everything was sooooo much louder, but that's because we were inside this time. Before the concert, Hanson kept on running out of this backstage area and waving and than running back which made the place go crazy!! It was deafening!!! I held my ears for 5 minutes straight while all of this happened!! Not much happened before this one, cause everything was enclosed and the security was pretty strict, so u couldn't really move somewhere else!! Oh yeah!! At one point, Mackie, Avery, and Jessica were up in this penthouse area, not too many people saw them, but I had binoculars(just in the case the seats were bad) and I looked up and there they were. The concert was awesome AGAIN, but better!!! I really can't explain it. Oh, I did forget to mention that I was dying to see Taylor play the drums and I really couldn't at Hershey, but I saw it perfectly at Philadelphia and I must say he is really good!! But, anyway everything was so much fun, they were the best 2 days of my life!! If you haven't gone to a concert and you're going to, you're in a for a treat!! :)Gina



This backround was created by Ike...It is *not* mine...I got it off of hansonline. And *no* I do NOT know Hanson...It was in MOE that Ike made it.