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Ike Stuff!!!

Here's all ya need to know bout the oh so sweet Ike Hanson--Go guitar boy!

full name:Clark Issac Hanson

birthday:November 17,1980

fav color:green


fav food:pasta-italian,steak

has clear braces

sleeps in boxers

he once wrote a letter to a girl he liked and Tay was so disgusted he threw it in a fountian.

He carries his video camera everywhere-he once caught Tay sleeping in the studio(I'm goin go with-"ahhh...")

He and Zac are friends-as Zac puts it"We're best friends,just bester.
"Tay and Ike best friends then comes Zac
then the rest of the people they care about:-)

nics:Chewbacca(Tay and Zac)Ikey Pooh(Zac)

fav school subject:science

He's been writing a sci-fi book for 2 years!

The first song he wrote was "Rain Falling Down" in gr. 3

One day he was in a bad mood and went to bed early...Zac and Tay happened to put raisens up his nose(I'm ever worried my friends will do it to me...)

He thinks he would be a 'very butch girl'(were not too sure about the other two are we now *he he*)

He's written songs about ants before (YOU GO IKE!!!)

He and Zac argue which of them is the stupid goofy one...(aww...can't you just see htem at home? Beating each other up...'I am!''No i am!!!' Ain't it sweet?)

He loves his leather jacket.

Is aparently the most athletic(?)

He loves to video tape things..(look if anyone wonders why he doesn't let tay or Ike use it alot I might be able to answer that one...I got a camera...and it's cool...ok bye(um...wait..ah nevermind!!!)

And if it's any thing to add bout my personal thoughts...Ike kicks! He's my fav now... But you know... It workls... None of my other friends actaully like him! Anyone else like More then Anything or At Chistmas? Those are my fav songs *grin* Anywayz...Later!

Now how could anyone not love a face like that *grin*

