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Seriously...well, maybe not!

I've tried to keep this page up and as good as everyone else, but I know it's not, but that's fine by me, cuz I like my page!!! I just wanted to get some views, sometimes I think my page is too teeny bopperish,I mean it's fun and all, but i'm a pretty serious person sometimes(I mean, one teacher thought i was in grade 11!! AGHH!(I'm only in grade (9). I like writing poetry and stuff like that, so i might add poems here... If anyone wants anything added, I don't really care, 'mail (e-mail) it to me and I'll add it! Any stories, funny or otherwise can be added, anything, feel free...Oh BTW, anyone who is still in elementary school, high school. Is the best! so much more freedom. Better teachers everything, it's so much fun! I mean my music teacher(music, yes I have music in high school) and she is the best! I got to play the drums.. Oh well.If anyone has any fevorite books or anything e-mail me at and I'll put it down....

My favorite books right now are fairly erratic though. I like anything i can possible get my hands on by david Eddings. The Xanth books by Piers Anthony. "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy by Tolkien. I like a book I'm reading right now called, "The King's Shawdow", that one is lots of fun. "The NeverEnding Story" by Micheal Ende is awesome, it has a large part of metaphorical aspects in a fanatsy setting(now doesn't that sound like something out of the New York Times, tsk, tsk).Anything, having anything at all to do with the Middle Ages is cool for me, that's the era I should have been born in, chivalry, romance, fighting for good causes *wistful look*. Everything you ever will ever need, well maybe not, but it would still be fun. The middle ages are probably the most romantisized years in history.Maybe this isn't as serious as I expected, it's for everything!!

Later everyone.. This should be added to sporatticly!

As I said...sparattically... Bored! School work is kinda boring right now but oh well... This is fun... I'm tired tho... Anyone have comments?

*English accent* Up yours ziggy with a wa-wa brush!(don't ask)