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Steph's Stuff

Links,Links and More Links....

UEO Fleet Operations
Fairies and other Wee folk Adopt a Fairy!! Star TRek RPG
Romeo & Juliet the movie
Ultimate Trek Page
Stand By Me

I know this pic is a little...uh odd...But I think I look semi- normal.... I'm the one with curls... Just a word of advice though...Don't EVER let your friend hit print on those picture things..EVER! This is what could happen! *da duh duh dun!* *grin*

Hey!! I rewrote my bio...

I'm into a lot of different things...I'm a Trekkie, I like SeaQuest...anything that is sci-fi or fantasy...I love to write...and I especially love to read...I really like David Eddings and Piers Anthony. If you like anything involving major puns...I'd suggest the Xanth books...Oops...almost forgot something...I'm majorly into*wink*, of course...I like fairies, and angels...I like reading about different religions sometimes too...I especialy love my friends and family(now i had to put this...) without which i would never have the patience of anything at all for that matter to keep this page up...Especially i want to tahnk everyone who comes to my page...An entry to my dreambook, which reminded me that i had to update...*grin*.
I really like this picture...I think she's really pretty.

Anyways...I really like 'key'(e-mail pals) and I love getting don't hesitate to write me...I won't hesitate to reply *grin*


Guys...U don't have to read this...I'm just addin it for the fun of it...some poetry i wrote...I dedicate it to Hanson...odd huh?

Love is shown in many ways,
Through friendship,
Through thoght,
Through words.

I'm sending my friendship,
It seems I know you,
Through my love for your beautiful music,
My heart will always remember,

Don't forget us,
We'll be here forever,
Our love is strong,
There is no weak links.

Forget us not,
It is you that we seek,
Love grown out of kindness,
Laughter, and sharing.

Help us to remember,
If we lose our way,
Our minds may be lost,
But our hearts will never stray.
By: Stephanie Morgan

I came up with another one:

I love Hanson, because, they have actual talent in this world, not computerized voices. I love hanson because they are real people, not perfect gentlemen *all* of the time but not so caught up in themselves they don't understand life as it is...I love Hanson, because of what makes Hanson...Just Hanson in themselves make hanson, and in turn makes me love them.

By: Stephanie Morgan
This is my fairy...Her name is Blue Bonnet...Her friends name is Rewin...
